engine bogs down and then dies

Hi Fairracing, Yes I can get my bowl off with the carburetor attached too. Thanks for all the help. I will try these things this morning when I wake up a little. I really appreciate it man. I will let you know how things turn out.

I'm lucky enough that I can pull the bowl off my carb with it still attached to the motor. Great if you can, if not you can still do this...

Remove the bowl of the carb W/float. With the carb still attached be sure to turn the fuel off. With your finger push up gently ( I cant remember the name so we will call it float tab) the float tab and turn the fuel on....there should be no fuel coming out. If you do have fuel coming out...it's not sealing or something is binding the needle.

If you let the float tab down and no fuel...same thing needle is binding and most likely there is junk in there.

With the carb out of the bike...pull the bowl off. Use an extra fuel line hose or the fuel line hose from the bike and attach it to the carb. Hold it upright like it is mounted in on the bike. Blow in the fuel line...with the fuel tab down you should be able to blow air through the carb...push up on the fuel tab and you should not be able too. This will tell you if the needle is seating to shut the fuel off... If not you got junk in the carb or the needle is just worn out. If you can't get any air though the carb then thier is most likely a block somewhere.

I have a few pic's of me cleaning the carb...http://motorbicycling.com/f15/fairracing-pics-video-1961-3.html#post19287

Hope this help's :ride2:
I've been working on this....It's only a first draft to get the bug's worked out to figure how's the best way to do it.. And for me to get practice..But I guess I'll post it and see how it goes. Some input on how to do this better is more then welcome...Remember this is my first attempt...it should get better with time and plan on doing a bunch of " How to"

If your carb is dumping fuel, or not getting any fuel to the plug, check to see if the float is working properly before adjusting the float...there is a good chance thier is just garbage keeping the needle from moving freely.


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Make sure that there is NO FUEL INSIDE THE FLOAT. My carb float came with a hairline crack on the inside of the "donut hole" and I had the exact same symptoms.

I've also found that you can limp your way home on a flooding carb by driving with the fuel tank shut off, and manually opening the petcock just long enough to fill the bowl, shut it off, drive for a bit...repeat until home :(
Thanks FairRacing... the pictures really helped. I tell you what also really helped me. I remembered that the guy that I got my engine from sent a carburetor for spare parts. I took the bowl off so I could look at the inside and check it out. One thing I notice is that the "wishbone" clip moves MUCH easier on the spare part carburetor. You can just turn it around and the clip will open and close. I'm wondering if I can use some of the parts from the "parts" carburetor to make the one I'm using work right. What do you think? (anyone)
Your "wishbone" needs to move freely. If it's not moving freely changing to the one from the other carb will fix it if it's something on the "wishbone" that is hanging up. If it's something on the carb then changing the "wishbone" won't help. If it was mine I would get a big magnifier (old eyes) and look very closely and see what is making the "wishbone" not move freely.....................
Thanks man... I will do that when I get a chance. Right now I have to post about another problem that is REALLY keeping me from riding.