Electric Revival

Yeah Baby!

A thousand bucks well spent me thinks.

Went for another spin, another couple of miles. Yeah 0 to 20 in 7 seconds.

Barely, you should hook up the regen, it's cool!

Gotta clean up this wiring before I do much more. I also have a 3 watt constant current LED headlight for it that runs off anything between 12 and 90 volts. Going to make a LED tail light for it too, about 25 leds wired in series with some resistors.

Gonna be my silent nitetime neighboor cruiser!
Charging up. Been on for about an hour now, I think they are right about the battery capacity expanding with use. Only did about 6 miles.


You'll never see it like this again. With the cables all wound around the handlebars - :) Yes, there is more wire than you need.

Thanks Barely, the magic pie is the real deal!
Well the charger went green and the same battery LED went on, but I'm gonna keep it going until I get about half of them on.

Probabily got a weak cell. Good thing I was just cruising the hood - :)
Awesome Mike (^) Yea, I agree the small speed variance between yours & mine has got to be wheel diameter, I was kinda wondering if they'd account for that w/the controller *shrug* It's a fair trade-off tho, speed vs torque so it's not like it's less "powerful" - if ya didn't live on the other side of the country, it'd be interesting to see how the two bikes compared... you've defo got the comfy one heh

The cruise control & BMS lights... I've always been uncomfortable with cruise control on two-wheeled vehicles as I think them somewhat hazardous... but at 20-25mph I've come to think of it as an "acceptable risk" and have started to use mine a bit - try pushing & holding the CC button for a good solid second ("one mississippi" heh) as at first I thought mine didn't work either, but as it turns out it needs more than a tap... I hope that's all that is.

I dunno about the BMS & the one LED thing... could be it's just not been charging/discharging long enough? I see you've the same lil 2a charger I've got & it's a great unit, if slow - but w/mine the BMS will light all the LEDs when full, but won't begin it's balancing until the charger is unplugged from the pack & even then it takes a while for any activity to show... the BMS flash duration is very different between a partial discharge/charge vs a full discharge/charge - so maybe that's got something to do w/it? It may take a lil while to sort itself out...

I defo dig the stealthy night riding too, I find myself zipping around at 1-2am with no particular place to go, just cause I can - defo don't hafta worry 'bout power for lighting lol
Thanks, that worked. Held the button down for a couple seconds and the speed locked. Just held the wheel up and did it in the garage.
The battery appears to be working correctly now, just needed a little more time. Put it on the charger again and the last time the charger fan turned on the the charger light went red about two thirds of the BMS LEDs turned on and then went off after blinking a bit.

Going to order up the sick bike switch for the cruise button instead of using that big clunky thing.
ya i think i am really gonna like it. eventually i will probably get a volt meter. so many things to get, have a nice list going for when i get to the states. hopefully i dont forget anything. i would hate to get back and wait for something in the mail
C'mon...you know these things are never really done - :)

You are gonna forget something. And you will probably be riding down the street with cables wrapped around your handlebars. With a big smile on your face.
Getting close

Thought I'd be be done, but best laid plans...

Got the batt strapped and a new kickstand. Needed the stand, the higher tires and the added weight made me put the stock stand on a piece of 3/4" ply so's it wouldn't fall over. All the wires are routed nice.


The front is what caused me some problems. I was going to put this cool little Wald removable basket on the bracket, but I changed my mind. The bracket is held on by only the water bottle cage posts. Which are aluminum brazed to aluminum. Thoughts of the heavy steel basket with say a six pack bouncing along and ripping the whole thing off scared me, so I have to work out another basket.


But I have the junction box done with nice grommets on the cable entries and you can see the cross bar that the Wald was going to be attached to. And my way cool headlight that runs off anything from 12 to 90 volts.

Took it out for a ride before I got started and tested the cruise control. Way cool! Set it at 10 and motored the hood - :) It really is an advantage with these thumb throttles as it is hard to keep any constant speed except wide open. They are not as stable as twist grips.

Next weekend it'll be done.
Re: Getting close

Thought I'd be be done, but best laid plans...

Next weekend it'll be done.

...and yet;

C'mon...you know these things are never really done - :)

There's always somethin' - if not this then another heh, I'm still carrying around a little chunk of 3/4" ply myself as I've still not managed to swap out my kickstand... even tho I've one sitting there just like ten feet from the bike >.<

It's defo lookin' real good there Mike, that lil junction box is just the thing for a professional looking, clean & tidy installation! I'm really not a huge fan of thumb throttles, they are a touch twitchy & I find no matter how it's angled my thumb gets tired after a while... but sometimes there's little choice I s'pose as I do like grip shifts too, so there's sometimes some conflict lol - how's the throttle on the left workin' out for ya?
looking good. i forgot all about the kickstand and will ad to my list or take the one of the gas bike. that junction box is a great idea. thank you for the updates mike. :)
Yeah, I didn't want to disturb the grip shifter on the right. Actually, I didn't want to disturb anything on the right side so I bought that little kill switch to use for the cruise control. Throttle on left is no problem. I'm going to use the cruise control anytime I want to cruise at less than full on.

I think im going to order the USB cable too, I'd like to reduce the regen braking to about half what it is now. I really like this bike, even more than I thought I would, so I don't mind throwing cash at it.
All done!

Had to stay at home today to wait for the service guy. Pops sleeps on an alternating pressure bed to help with bed sores and the thing started to go flat. New bed in and the box is done.


All done right, twisted, soldered and shrink wrapped. Plenty of service loop too for ease of access. Even put the 1 amp fuse in the lighting circuit. Everything works good.

Ordered up a teeny-weeny basket. Aluminum wire, 6x6x6 from a lab supply place. Won't be able to carry much, but it'll be really cute.
very clean and nice looking mike. been wondering what to do with all the wires. dang i can't wait to get back to the island and build mine :)
I went back over the CA bike laws and found out that the eRevive does not require a DOT helmet, just a certified bike helmet - :)

So's I ordered up this Bell Citi


10 oz of ventilated bliss. Maybe I won't even know it's there. Matches the bike too.