Active Member
My point was rather than having a phone conference, go ahead and ship it back with a note.( get the ball rolling ) Yes, pay to ship it back, I'm sure Justin would make the shipping right so it's not your dime. I'm completely confident that if he received a note from me explaining my displeasure he would give me a call..
There has been a conversation where several people have mentioned that Pirate was sold, and one member mentioned Taco, which I am assuming is a member here (flybytaco). I am not pointing fingers, these could be baseless rumors, but if Justin was the original owner, and it was sold, then that explains why people are beginning to feel dissatisfied. Pirate may have been a cut above at one time, but if the new owners are not living up to the reputation that Justin built, then that legacy is not going to last. If someone is not 100 per cent satisfied with a purchase they have made for whatever reason, and they choose not to buy from that vendor again, that is their choice, and even though you may feel it is an overreaction, its not really your place to judge, is it?