Do you think florida will get open carry?

I don't figure people out, they are what they are.

I think that database has been tried in Canada and pretty much been a flop. Maryland is also trying it but it will also fail there. States that allow carry have declining crime rates compared to those that don't. The Castle Doctrine will have a similar effect. The good news is I have both and lov'n it.

Ah, the smell of burning double based ball powder carried on the cool morning breeze, life just don't get any better.

i won't argue that states that allow easier access to guns for law abiding citizens have a declining crime rate,people are a whole lot less likely to mess with you if there is a chance you can end there life in a second.

with that being said still don't think asking for finger prints to give you that power is an obscene request.

if there is a crime involving a gun and your fingerprints are at thescene they can track it back to you, if you're truly worthy of having that gun, it won't be an issue because you wont be involved in a gun related crime, right?

anyways i'm done posting my view on the situation, because it's just that, my view, and your posts aren't going to magically my views and vice versa, or the situation as a whole most likely.
i think its called the division of licensing.

they do every thing,finger printing and picture for free.
sheriffs office wants forty to finger print going right to the office makes it fast.i should have it early april.

my hunter saftey education course i took 10 year ago works for the saftey class.

ps....good to see you kerf!

Permits here are issued by the Dept of Agriculture
You can get the packet for free here

And make an appointment at just about any sheriff's office to get the electronic finger printing done, then just send in photos from one of those mall photo booths with a check and you're done
It generally takes more than a couple of weeks
last I checked the turn around was a couple of months
theres no need to finger print honest citizens who are trying to take the legal path to gun owner ship even tho that path is unconstitutional.i would care more if my finger prints weren't already in the system from my childhood:).

hey bugman,the sheriffs office charges for the finger printing.
this place does it all for free and they file quicker than mailing things.
type this into the search engine.
Tampa Regional Office - Division of Licensing, FDACS
theres no need to finger print honest citizens who are trying to take the legal path to gun owner ship even tho that path is unconstitutional.i would care more if my finger prints weren't already in the system from my childhood:).

hey bugman,the sheriffs office charges for the finger printing.
this place does it all for free and they file quicker than mailing things.
type this into the search engine.
Tampa Regional Office - Division of Licensing, FDACS

OK i see now
It's the licensing division of the ag dept

Back when I first applied they weren't funding the dept like they are now and said they would back then
Good for Fla
I have a drivers license with a picture, when I apply for a permit they can identify me just fine. Are you so naive as to believe that they would check your prints against every unsolved crime committed anywhere? That sounds like a Northeastern liberal pipe dream.

They could and probibly will ,the computer does the quick work
There was a cute little book out in 1949, interestingly named "1984", has anyone here read it? Me thinks many have little understanding of the word "infringed". as in "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

What is being branded as a "gun problem" by the left here is actually a crime problem. They don't want to call it a "crime problem" because crime reduction isn't the goal. The disarmament of the American people is the goal. Unnamed Presidents have actually instructed the DoJ to restrict enforcement of existing gun laws, in order to make the case for writing more gun laws. We are getting layer upon layer of legislation, for what? Do redundant laws make our lives safer? People need to pay careful attention to the left in this country, they have a "Utopian agenda" and nothing in that agenda is compatible with our Constitution!!!!!!

"Cold dead hands" isn't just a cleaver phrase, it's a state of mind, a way of life, that I embarked on one day over half a century ago. That was the day my father placed my first rifle in my hands, the look in his eye told me this was an important day and I have never forgotten. As a matter of fact, I have carried on the tradition.
Just saw it on the news.

But if you carry a cool gun on your side then surely you will need a bichin holster.

Then a pair of nice boots ! And a badass belt and hat.

That's gonna run into some money.

Then some johnny come lately punk will call you out.

Are the rules still the same ? If he draws first you can shoot and kill him and its ok ? :)
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well said kerf.

whats your take on open carry?bad ideal?

I don't have an issue with open carry. I always carry concealed where it's legal, I fly, it goes in checked baggage but it goes. States that do not have reciprocity with Al, I avoid like the plague. There are many times open carry would be much more comfortable than concealed, especially where large framed heavy calibers are concerned. And when my hide is on the line, large framed and heavy calibers are essential.
I don't have an issue with open carry. I always carry concealed where it's legal, I fly, it goes in checked baggage but it goes. States that do not have reciprocity with Al, I avoid like the plague. There are many times open carry would be much more comfortable than concealed, especially where large framed heavy calibers are concerned. And when my hide is on the line, large framed and heavy calibers are essential.

Right ? Who is gonna strap on a 22 in a cheap holster outside the clothes ?

I knew a fellow years ago that made cool holsters.

If this happens the holster business will go crazy ! :)
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i wouldnt shoot that 577!

Can anyone say detached retinas. The 577 produces close to 10,0000 ft. lbs. of muzzle energy, that is approaching the 50 BMG Barrett. The Barrett is heaver, has a bi pod and a serious muzzle brake to help with recoil.