I don't figure people out, they are what they are.
I think that database has been tried in Canada and pretty much been a flop. Maryland is also trying it but it will also fail there. States that allow carry have declining crime rates compared to those that don't. The Castle Doctrine will have a similar effect. The good news is I have both and lov'n it.
Ah, the smell of burning double based ball powder carried on the cool morning breeze, life just don't get any better.
i won't argue that states that allow easier access to guns for law abiding citizens have a declining crime rate,people are a whole lot less likely to mess with you if there is a chance you can end there life in a second.
with that being said still don't think asking for finger prints to give you that power is an obscene request.
if there is a crime involving a gun and your fingerprints are at thescene they can track it back to you, if you're truly worthy of having that gun, it won't be an issue because you wont be involved in a gun related crime, right?
anyways i'm done posting my view on the situation, because it's just that, my view, and your posts aren't going to magically my views and vice versa, or the situation as a whole most likely.