Do you think florida will get open carry?

Keltec is making some real; strides
I have been hoping that someone would make a 22 auto mag again for years now

I also am lusting after their KSG and am planning on getting a Sub200 for Beretta mags

Then I can move on to my S&W snub and Serbu Super Shorty
I do like that Kel-Tec PRM 30

Good plinker, small game, general woods gun and shooter. As impressive as that video was, the 22 mag is no defense round. Don't get me wrong, the 22 mag will end a life, but bleeding to death 20 minutes after he's killed you isn't my idea of a success story.
With 30 holes he would bleed a little faster and think of all the extra lead weight he would be carrying trying to catch you,lol
I sometimes carry a N-Frame or small 1911, but for many years , when I put on my pants in the morning a NAA 22 magnum goes in my right front pocket in holsters I make myself, and it stays there..A 22 Magnum round in the face will be the end of it, right now..I live in Florida, shorts and t-shirt..or shorts and no shirt is it for most of the day..My wife likes her Beretta 950BS 25cal. with 9 rounds of Hornaday XTP..

The little one in your pocket trumps the big one left at home. The industry has stepped up with many compact solutions, from 3" 1911's to 2" Titanium J frames in 357, there is something for everyone.

Shop, buy, shoot & enjoy.
i went out and shot some 45 ammo yesterday that was old and nasty that had been given to me.

your always learning something new.3 jams and a no fire.most of the ammo that jammed seemed to be aluminum casings.

good ammo is a absolute must!
i went out and shot some 45 ammo yesterday that was old and nasty that had been given to me.

your always learning something new.3 jams and a no fire.most of the ammo that jammed seemed to be aluminum casings.

good ammo is a absolute must!

Roll your own practice ammo, problem solved.
I'm not really in favor of carrying a fire arm. But to tell the truth I have been thinking about it lately. My opinion has been going back and forth. To me it has nothing to do with my rights as listed in the constitution. I feel that when it was put into the constitution it was with the situation at THAT time. That situation does not exist today.

As for open or concealed. There are pros and cons for both ideas. There are 2 times that I would hate to see someone having a gun on them. When they are drunk or high. Both times a persons judgment is impaired.

Here is another problem. The VA has rated my PTSD as 70% disabling. PTSD is a mental condition. Should I be given the right to carry? My PTSD is pretty well controlled with medications..."pretty well". Not totally controlled.

So, I am for it and against it I guess! :-)

That is true. But, you can't buy gas in a glass container or an open container.


Yet we can so freely buy gas and put it in a 3000lb piece of steel and plastic and send it down the road at 70mph.

That is way more power to kill than any hand gun I can think of.

We don't need gas. I use biodiesel that I make in my car.

All cars and trucks could run on diesel in Florida weather. We don't need gas in Florida ?

Diesel won't blow up like that !
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I'm not really in favor of carrying a fire arm. But to tell the truth I have been thinking about it lately. My opinion has been going back and forth. To me it has nothing to do with my rights as listed in the constitution. I feel that when it was put into the constitution it was with the situation at THAT time. That situation does not exist today.

As for open or concealed. There are pros and cons for both ideas. There are 2 times that I would hate to see someone having a gun on them. When they are drunk or high. Both times a persons judgment is impaired.

Here is another problem. The VA has rated my PTSD as 70% disabling. PTSD is a mental condition. Should I be given the right to carry? My PTSD is pretty well controlled with medications..."pretty well". Not totally controlled.

So, I am for it and against it I guess! :-)


Your personal choice and I respect that choice. One question, please explain what you were describing when you said "situation at THAT time"?
If you kill a scumbag your going to have problems. I don't care about permits, and stuff, as the right to bear arms over rides any State law or mandate. My best advice is to run like the wind. Don't put yourself in a situation where you need fire power. Myself, I won't stop firing till the target is neutral, or the clip is empty. (c)
I'm not really in favor of carrying a fire arm. But to tell the truth I have been thinking about it lately. My opinion has been going back and forth. To me it has nothing to do with my rights as listed in the constitution. I feel that when it was put into the constitution it was with the situation at THAT time. That situation does not exist today.

As for open or concealed. There are pros and cons for both ideas. There are 2 times that I would hate to see someone having a gun on them. When they are drunk or high. Both times a persons judgment is impaired.

Here is another problem. The VA has rated my PTSD as 70% disabling. PTSD is a mental condition. Should I be given the right to carry? My PTSD is pretty well controlled with medications..."pretty well". Not totally controlled.

So, I am for it and against it I guess! :-)


you scare me a say you've been thinking about carrying but not because of your rights,yet you don`t say it the ptsd?

im not sure your actually allowed to own a gun if your having might want to look into that.
your also mistaking saying THAT situation doesn't exist anymore.

the right to bare arms is there so the people have a way to fight back against a corrupt government and protect freedom.that never goes away!

for the security of a free state the rights of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed.
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I'm not really in favor of carrying a fire arm. But to tell the truth I have been thinking about it lately. My opinion has been going back and forth. To me it has nothing to do with my rights as listed in the constitution. I feel that when it was put into the constitution it was with the situation at THAT time. That situation does not exist today.

As for open or concealed. There are pros and cons for both ideas. There are 2 times that I would hate to see someone having a gun on them. When they are drunk or high. Both times a persons judgment is impaired.

Here is another problem. The VA has rated my PTSD as 70% disabling. PTSD is a mental condition. Should I be given the right to carry? My PTSD is pretty well controlled with medications..."pretty well". Not totally controlled.

So, I am for it and against it I guess! :-)

Actually all the reasons the Framers gave do still very much exist today
And if you have been diagnosed with PTSD you can't get a gun
Those with mental health issues are prohibited by federal law from owning firearms and being in possession of a firearm while impaired is also illegal, in some cases a felony
If you kill a scumbag your going to have problems. I don't care about permits, and stuff, as the right to bear arms over rides any State law or mandate. My best advice is to run like the wind. Don't put yourself in a situation where you need fire power. Myself, I won't stop firing till the target is neutral, or the clip is empty. (c)
floridas stand your ground law
The Florida law is a self-defense, self-protection law. It has four key components:

It establishes that law-abiding residents and visitors may legally presume the threat of bodily harm or death from anyone who breaks into a residence or occupied vehicle and may use defensive force, including deadly force, against the intruder.

In any other place where a person “has a right to be,” that person has “no duty to retreat” if attacked and may “meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”

In either case, a person using any force permitted by the law is immune from criminal prosecution or civil action and cannot be arrested unless a law enforcement agency determines there is probable cause that the force used was unlawful.

If a civil action is brought and the court finds the defendant to be immune based on the parameters of the law, the defendant will be awarded all costs of defense.
In any other place where a person “has a right to be,” that person has “no duty to retreat” if attacked and may “meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.


I don't know, when I see one of those giant RVs coming from behind swaying back and forth into the bike lane I pull over and get way out of the way and wait for him to pass.

I could stay in my lane because I have the legal right but ? ? ?

Don't want one of those white bicycles where I got smashed ! ! !
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#1 gun rule. Don' t let your gun get stolen.

I had it happen to me when I was 18.

It was a legal handgun.

I showed it off because I was proud of it.

The person that stole it killed his wife and baby then killed himself.
once i get my concealed permit it wont leave my side.right now i hide it at the house when i leave.

i am guilty of showing it off!i have to stop that.