DIY tank... even if you can't weld

I'd like to know what you used for the petcock bung. I just ordered one of those glass filters and I'm thinking about fabing up my own tank.
Thanks Allen :D

hepcat - if you ordered the same as I have, the NAPA one - it's got a built in petcock that works really well (lil T-handle on the back/top of the filter)... if you mean the fitting to the tank, it's all stuff ya can find at your local plumbing/hardware store :)
That bike is SWEEEEET... definitely a looker. Missed this thread somehow, and found it while googling for the glass bowl fuel filter.
Very nicely done BA, thinkin about building one for my Board Track Tribute Stretched Worksman and your pics and tips are a huge help...Thanks


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I'm looking to do something similar on my bike, temporarily nick named "The Rojo Mofo"...But the frame of the bike necessitates that this style tank ends up sitting lower than the engine. Not so good for fuel delivery.

Anyone have any ideas on fuel pumps or is there enough vacuum from the engine to just suck it up?

There's no draw from the carby to suck fuel into the float bowl - only from the float bowl through the jet via the venturi effect, so yer lookin at some kinda fuel pump... which I'm not entirely sure anyone has done bfore w/these engines. Maybe? Probably? *shrug* I've not seen one anyway...

Still, if I hadta do it I'd consider something like a vacuum powered diaphragm pump, common on many small engines.

You'd need to tap off the crankcase or intake manifold for a vacuum fitting, but that'd be a heck of a lot easier than tryin' to keep power going to an electric pump... and while I'm sure they're out there - I've not seen a 'letric one that lil.

Here's some more vacuum fuel pumps... but I dunno the rep of the company:
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Those are some great links,

Yea thats what i was thinkin too, the electric pumps are ganna be a hassle. If I could rig one of these vacuum pumps up thatd be a lot better. Thanks. If I decide to go this route I'll def post some pics and such to show how it goes.
It all depends on the skill of the welder ofc - but I would say that stick welding 20 gauge sheet would be borderline impossible, even MIG isn't ideal (tho it'll work fine if you're carefull) - this is pretty much a TIG job due to heat distortion primarily.

I'd sooner braze the tank than try to arc weld...
I'm in the process of making a tank myself and I'm MIG welding it, but I'm using 16g steel. A little thicker steel makes it easier to work with.
Barely Awake how do you have that copper line attached to the carb? is it a fitting or rubber line?

I thought about replacing the carb's fitting... but then I cheated and just used a section of 1/4" clear fuel line to connect the copper tube to the carb's fitting. Honestly - I did it jus' cause I wanted to get it on the road, but as it turns out I'm glad I did as it makes it far easier to remove the carb & fiddle w/stuff ;)

corgi1, yea - that avvi made me lol :D
Perhaps - but I learned that's part of what the loop in the copper tubing is for, they did it on the ol' boardtrackers with that and how copper "work hardens" in mind.

I suspect if you wanted to forgo the cheatin' lil chunk of fuel line and swap out the fitting on the carb for a proper compression fitting that all would be well, but the cheat works and it's handy lol
Just wanted to say love the look. I for one dont like the look of the stock tanks. Seems to me that a winter project. I have a ngine on order an no bike as of yet .My guess is the bigger the tires the softer the ride. Looks to be a cheap way to have sum fun. thanks for the info an the picks. mikey
Haven't been on in a while forgot how I ran across this thread but glad I did. Wondering though I have been toying once I get my bike and engine of using copper sheet for a tank wonder if that would work in place of the steel any thoughts? Oh and I have a friend who does copper flashing so the price would be pretty cheap for me. Love your bike though sweet style.