That kit arrived today. Thinking of sending it back. There was no rust in the tank, chain guard wasn't bent, engine paint was perfect, all parts and do-dads were stout and had heft. Honestly and this is my first 2 smoke in years but the best quality kit I can remember getting.
It even came with actual understandable and legible instructions. No kidding. A quality printed instruction booklet. The last kit I got was a poorly mimeographed copy of badly written in Chinglish. This one is much higher quality than my own brochures. (sadly, not kidding there, either.
(LoL, just downloaded "Grammarly" Its spell check used the word "Chinglish" 2 funny)((sorry. cracked me up))
But, yeah. Kit has to go back. Ya come to expect certain amenities with ChinaGirl kits and this one is just lacking.
Whats next, world
I'ts pretty important that I build a "pretty" MB in the next couple of weeks. I'm up for a $10K grant to build MB kits. (4 smokers) But need eye candy for awards presentation. So, looking at this frame unless any one knows of a cheaper one?
This is the grant I am up for;
(Anyone close to Hartford, CT and wants to go with us, lemme know and I will get you tickets. It's a blast. They do it like the TV show, "Shark Tank" with a cash bar. Really fun and some of the folks presenting are fascinating. MB's are kinda mundane compared to some of these folks. Offshore power generation, concept cars. Some really
cutting edge stuff and every one presenting can win. It's not a competitive thing.
I should do a thread. But will probably be bummed when they say no. (been there. Done dat
Thanks again for the posting, Marlot!
Oh and BTW. Get Grammarly. It is pretty awesome.