Cylinder head tutorial I found interesting


Well-Known Member
I thought someone else might enjoy this video and get some knowledge from it that might help them amke a good choice if they are thinking about switching to an after market head for their china girl engine.

One head that isn't represented here is one that isn't on the market yet, it's the NEW DIAMOND HEAD that Jakes Custom Motorbicycles is bringing out for us soon, no doubt the "Fred Head" is a good product I have one that is working great on one of my engines, runs cooler and performs excellent so I can argue about the quality of Freds products, I have however discovered recently that some vendors because very angry and vindictive when they are questioned or slightly challenged on something, to the point of basically calling people liars and then teaming up with 'friends" to attack others who may have a differing opinion or differing result on something.

All I will say now is that because of this personal experience recently on a facebook club that is supposed to be dedicated to the discussion of motorized bicycles, I will NO LONGER promote or encourage anyone to buy any product from people/vendors who I have known to act unethical and to attack others for no good reason.... it kind makes me laugh now since these people have no idea what kind of people they may be dealing, but thats beside the point lol...!

I will leave this link up here in my original post for educational and entertainment purposes, but I do not endorse the "FRED HEAD" or the products he carries on his sight made by SOME his "Friends/Allies", I just can't in good conscious endorse products or people who treat people unfairly and with complete disrespect no matter how good their product or thier buddies product is.

This is not a rant or meant to flame on anyone, just for information purposes only and to explain why I will NOT be promoting the "Fred Heads" or the Ignitions he sells on his sight any longer, "foul me once shame on you foul me twice shame on me...." it ain't happening!

When I get my Jake's Diamond Head, it will be the performance head I will be promoting, and if someone cant afford it I will direct them to the Puch Head which has worked great on my engines also.




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if that is what its called I have it also...... I just go old school and call it being precise and particular about what you do instead of being sloppy and hap hazard...!

I'm not a super organized person on every level but I'm very methodical and it looks as though the Aussie fella is the same way, I was raised to be that way, put things back and be responsible becomes a way of thinking and a way of life for some of us.

That guy has been doing a lot of m/b mods for a while, I've seen his posts elsewhere.
Oh...I'm OCD too, but his repeatedly realigning the heads after replacing them only makes him moreso.
Thanks for sharing this valuable find Map.

You're welcome sir.

We have another option coming to market in a couple weeks if all goes according to plan, Jake is about ready to have his Diamond Head on the market, it also has a nice amount of surface area and has a 5.9cc combustion chamber with correct squish angle for our engines, I have one pre ordered and will be glad to get my hands on it.

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Good video, I've seen it before and that guy Fabian is also really knowledgeable, he posts a lot in another forum and I've got a few good pointers from his posts before I found this forum.
The other guy, Michael Forest is Jaguar, the guy who makes the Jaguar CDI units and he's also really knowledgeable, just got a bad rep in here... I actually found this forum from his site where he had a "bad forum" link on his page... so I registered in here and ended up liking this forum better, and with very little exception, the people over here are great. Enough on that... lol
Anyway, while my first engine was on order, it was that exact video that convinced me to get the Fred head. I'm glad to see this video getting shared in here too as I've got nothing but good things to say about the fred heads myself.