Cruiser with a BTR flavor

Here is a picture of the tensioner. The tension spring is from an old bed. I have ordered a belt two inches shorter. I found it very hard starting so I made a different intake manifold. I also changed the carb to a diaphram type.
Starts easy now. Not sure yet if the problem was the manifold or the carb. I will do some swapping and find the answer to that!


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I was wondering about the lone intake some one on the fourm has said that 2 strokes don't like lone intakes to keep them as short as posable.............Curt
Russell, Saw your bike. It's killer. Did you make your front fork. I am trying to find someone that will make me one for a worksman 26" frame. Had one guy ask me $1500 for one last night. Heck I can buy a bike for that. suggestions or help?
Every time I look at your build I like it even better than the time before. I like builds that are different and one of a kind and as always your work is thoughtful and well executed. Will this get a sidecar sometime later?
Painted the bike today and am re-assembeling. The project got held up for a while, as we went to Vegas for a birthday party and ended up spending 3 wks(Good to be retired LOL). finally found a 1" HD clutch for a reasonable price($65) seems everyone else was asking $113 plus shipping.

I was thinking that I might make a quick connect adapter so that I can use my sidecar. This bike with the bigger motor and adjustable drive would be a good match with the sidecar. Don't think I'll build another sidecar as they take up to much room to trailer and store.

Still not sure what type of handlebars to put on this bike. I stay away from the BTR bars as they are too hard on the back and neck. Also have to come up with a custom air cleaner of some type. By the way this build will be sporting a silverbear copper fuel filter.

I was hoping to have this build complete a month ago As I started another motorized bicycle related project that I want to get going on.

Jim E
I ended up using a tecumseh diaphram carb and no intake manifold. This combo worked out great.
Jim, Good to see you are getting close. I'm a bit behind you, but I should be done for riding season. We will have to do a few rides especially that state forest again ..just more of the forest this time.
Jim, I feel honored that you are using my copper fuel filter. And your mentioning it means a lot to me.

I wish I could join you and Chainmaker for your ride through the forest. My daily ride in the summers here in northeastern Minnesota is in the forest on a road leading to Bearhead State Park The five or so miles between my place on Eagles Nest Lake #3 and Bearhead Lake is little traveled, has no potholes and is a beautiful ride passing by other lakes and winds up, down and around through towering white and red pine forest with paper birch trees in the under story. I am so fortunate to live where there is so much beauty around me. That ten mile ride always gives me quiet pleasure and I get to visit along the way with forest neighbors such as white tailed deer, black bears, an occasional moose, bald eagles above and a skinny red fox who likes to watch as the motorbike with a dog in a sidecar go riding by.

In the plans for the summer is a jaunt east with Fasteddy. I have to sell a vintage travel trailer in Maryland (1951 Spartan) and need to empty out my things. In recent years I used it as a winter place, but have since decided to stay in Minnesota year round as I'm getting a bit old for cross country migrations. Steve is going to New Hampshire to visit his son and is hauling behind him a toy trailer which will have his Indian tri-car inside and my American Flyer so that we can join his son in a bike ride with some of his friends who are also into motored bikes.

This will be in June, but I don't yet have dates. On the off chance that something could be arranged to include you guys and maybe moderator Dan. It would be a fine thing to meet you fellows in person and share a ride. Maybe we could get Tinsmith to join us. Something to think about, eh?
Silverbear , let's us know when you get an idea of your dates in the area it would be great to get a little ride together.
Pretty well complete, just waiting for decals and a new seat. Can't wait for the rain & snow to stop to take her out for a run.


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So have you riden it much how does the veri pully work? want kind of performance do you get?
Totaly awesome love the color combo............Curt
Am chomping at the bit to make the maiden run. I don't need ideal weather but the snow, wind and rain is not giving me a break! One thing I have noticed with the test stand runs is that this engine eats about 4x the fuel my happy time 66 uses.
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This is the first bicycle that I have bothered to give a name. Mostly it reflects the the build!


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Were did you get the push button shift knob or did you just make it? You sure do nice work............Curt