Croatian Boardtracker

You should defiantly get a rear hub adapter and a heavy duty chain, I broke two of the stock chains, two motor mounts, a throttle and a chain tensioner. The parts on these kits are crap, the main areas to strengthen are defiantly the rear, the chain and the motor mounts.
well, I should have to wait nad see about those components Journeyman

and about the spakr plug cable the real question was HOW to make it longer, not WHERE to get the cables? ;)
well, I should have to wait nad see about those components Journeyman

and about the spakr plug cable the real question was HOW to make it longer, not WHERE to get the cables? ;)

What I'm saying is, decide how long you want the spark plug wire to be and have it made up to that length, or find one used which is long enough and cut it to length. Pretty simple, really. The end which goes into the CDI box just screws in. Try unscrewing the stock plug wire from your CDI and you'll see what I mean. Hope this helps.
I've been working these last couple of days and now it's time to post a report of my progress

the tank is anything but simple because it's has a strange shape in the center (for a spark plug to fit and to be able to mount it) and it was really hard for me (as a novice in FG) to make it work but i'm gettin' there, the filleer is on, epoxy is dry and the tank is on the frame (unfortunatly it shrunk and I've managed to crack it while mounting it to the frame... but nothing that some moere epoxy wouldn't fix...).

the frame is painted and matched with my dear car hehe, here you can see the frame and the fork and some other parts drying in my "workshop"


here's the tank a bit upside down


tank mounted (mock up) and the fixing holes made both on the frame and the tank!


last weekend i've vent to an retro flea market and picked up a very cool and very old rear bike light, diamond shaped glas in a chromed housing... would fit perfectly




also got an old part (don't know the name in english) for holding the it the riser?!? and polished it a bit... did the same treatment with the bottom of the carb..


and as I liked what i've mansged to do with the polish i've took of those covers from the engine and polished them also hehe (not the best pic but you can imagine this situation - my girl said that she could use those parts when putting the make up on)



and one for the end (with the new handlebars and a quick mock up to see how everything looks..maybe i sould've move her's bike before taking the pic...)

very very nice, man!! I like the underslung tank, looks very vintage!! the "thingie" to clamp the handlebar is called "stem" in english, btw...

just one comment: I would change the seat with something like a leather Brooks saddle, it would look much better!

excellent job, keep the reports coming!

ciao from italy
I like it! What kind of polishing compound did you use? Does the buffing wheel fit on a drill?

I bought a set for the drill (just standard drill nothing special) and in the set I got 2 buffing disc one made out of felt (thicker and harder) and the second made of cotton cloth rings kept together with a steel ring in the middle and two different "dhalks" a brown for the felt and blue for the cotton... it does say on the box that it should be used at max 4000 rpm but I was running it on about 13000 rpm ;) it's working just fine

@ diego

I got the original but used Brooks saddle from the same fle market this sutarday but it looks kinnda small when fitted...that's a sweet trouble for the end this "Felt" seat is realy confy and big and this old brooks looks like from the era but smaller ...and A LOT stiffer, I think that that model is called "the nutbreaker" :(
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Hi Dule,

I just love your Citroën 2CV and your motored bike looks great.

Having said that, i nearly fell of my chair laughing when Whizzerd said:

9 hp car & 2 hp motorbike. In your case less is definately more.

Cheers Fabian
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ok se here we are first some pics before installing the engine



and a couple of hrs later


pics taken on sunday afternoon
first ride was made a day later - a short trip to a friend's place few streets away - about 1km

that short trip and so many begginers mistakes - didn't put the rubber between the frame and the mount so the bike was soooo shaky that it resulted in this:

- loosen chain tensioner whitch catched rear fender and rip one of the mounting brackets off, forgott to tighten the spurkplug so it become wobley and the engine started to throw fuel on the top of the head, and for the very best of all my seat (that vintage Brooks) started to rock under my ass... VERY unconfy i must say, but that was sorted out just in a little while

after that scary trip i ride it every day to work - AND BACK hehe (short trip about 1 mile away from my home) and I try to solve the small problems along the way - I must figure out how to fine tune the carb and I think that then everything will be better!

here are some previw pics from monday's scary testrun!


Very nice. Feels pretty nice to stand back and look at what you did, eh? Tank looks good, front fork/springer setup looks good... now let's see it up on the 2CV.
hey guys I need some help

as I'm not very good with electrical stuff could you help me with some basic things around gettin my lights to work!

i have a pair of full oldschool lights - front and rear - for those 2 I've found a pair of 6V bulbs that fit inside the housing perfectly BUT if I connect just rear light it works (but the engine isn't running very nice..hmmm) and if I connect both than the engine wouldn't even start!? the same happens if I connect just the front light :(