Croatian Boardtracker

tnx man!

you're wright, it is the Red Baron - the flying Manfred is the name now... the base (the frame) is Felt's Red Baron model from 2004!

Oh, that's right! Now I remember. Gee, it looks so different now, I forgot what it looked like to start with.
I've made u "custom" motor mounts you can see them on earlier posts in this topic

yesterday me and a friend put our bikes under a test during the afternoon we made some 80 - 90 kilometers with no big problems

here are some pics taken near the bricks factory near the city... (on the pics he is riding my bike and I'm behind the lenses)




Your bike looks great. You must feel very proud of your accomplishment. It's been fun seeing the bike transformed. And now what? Will you build another? (I think I already know the answer...)
heh what now?!? that's the right question...

obviously we've (my friend Marko and me) started a new thing here in Croatia, the idea is to built 5-10 bikes for next season, completely customized for the buyer. Already we have a few potential customers... we'll have to wait and see how serious they really are...

The name for the "brand" and the logo is here ...that's a start isn't it? ;)
heh what now?!? that's the right question...

obviously we've (my friend Marko and me) started a new thing here in Croatia, the idea is to built 5-10 bikes for next season, completely customized for the buyer. Already we have a few potential customers... we'll have to wait and see how serious they really are...

The name for the "brand" and the logo is here ...that's a start isn't it? ;)

I think you guys can make a go of it. I'm sure there is interest which will keep coming as your bikes get seen. Tell your friend Marko Silverbear said hello and good job done on his bike! I had a friend here in Minnesota named Marko who was a horse logger (skidded trees out of the forest with a draft horse). Pretty soon there will be enough motorbikers there to have a club where you go riding together. Wouldn't that be cool!
Dule, you could sell your gas tank, frame & front fork complete roller kit on ebay I'm sure it would be a big seller.

How much are you selling price for your a roller kit that is gas tank, frame & board track forks?

Can you tell us what is going to be the name of your motorized bicycle company & translation please of name & logo on your gas tank of the Croatian Board Tracker.

Peace Crazy Horse.
huh that's a though question...

first the tank and the for are (at the moment) one-off... MAYBE it'll be possible to make a replika of the fork but not from a stamped sheatmetal but from round tubing (my fork is 1936 German NSU Quick fork); and the tank is epoxy/fiber glass thing that has it's glitches and bad spots... have to recalculate everything and than I could maybe start talking prices

about the name it'll be PPS - that's shot for the part of law in Croatia - a part where it's said that these kind of vehicles do not have to pass/have MOT because they are bicycles with assisting engine slower than 30 km/h and the use is for pedestrians only ;) and the logo is that shield with the wings on my and Marko's tank
today my rear wheel almost fell off - a "few" spokes just broke under the rear sprocket mount! have you ever heard about that issue?!? think I'll go and by some heavy duty down hill spokes...

and there is also one nice thing that happened my friend helped me to get a old VDO speedometer... still have to figure how to mount it and make it work

tnx man! I've just took the sprocket off and this pineapple thingie looks like a clever thing BUT I have a 3 speed rear hub that is wider so the pattern wouldn't fit my wheel, maybe I should change the hub also... hmmmm
if changing the whole hub ,I think there are wheel set-ups that have sprokets already attatched and centered on the hub its-self (not on the spokes)
They list coaster and free wheel and seem to fit in place of the rag joint,,,where the rag joint was before,,,the only downside is "14 guage spokes only" listed