Cranbrook Springer Forked BTR YD100 Replica Build (without fabrication)

I sat down last night and figured out about what this bike has cost me so far. to date, I’m in for around $1300! Have another $150 or so to spend

found POR 15 locally so I am picking up the tank repair kit today.

should have my tensioner is 2-3 days.

will probably be starting her up by the end of the week.

what is proper break in on one of these engines? I’ve read you’re supposed to write it like you stole it. two strokes are meant to be wide-open for the most part as I understand them.

what about oil to gas mixture? The most common replies seem to be 40 to 1, break in and regular use.
Ok so more progress today. Long process to degrease, prep and seal the tank. But I think I’m there. 96 hour cure begins....


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Auditing can search the soul, and search for justification. Done it. Bought a 1950 FL for $575 cash. sellers admonition was not to chop it. i did like it in it's natural state. NOS even in the 70's was spendy. Like almost 5K.
Do not complain.
Shop around for a Whizzer. You have bought into the quality side. If you are only in $1,500 on a build done right.

My 1979 R80/7 BMW that I loved and still do. I am not fit to ride it now, nor is my riding companion Mona. She was 40, when she first mounted up behind me. Mighty game she was for one who had never ever motorcycled before.
And Mona is 74 now, and, I 70. Youth is behind us. Seeking simple pleasures. Cherishing the moment. We ain't got the strength. Carpe Diem.
Ok ok ok, thanks to Lynn @ MBRebel for the arch tensioner and chrome air filter/faux velocity stack.

Had to use quite a few washers to get my nylon wheel to line up with the chain.

Gas tank needs 48 more hours on the cure.


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"chrome air filter/faux velocity stack"
Nice detail!
Yea when I saw it I thought it would fit the bike nicely. Been looking for one for a while. And even though the rubber hose (connects filter to carb) diameter is too small to fit around the carb, the air filter itself has an indentation that will easily silicone to the carb. It it needs removing it should come
off easily.
Trying to start her for the first time today.

believe I have a fuel problem. I just read 330ohms off the Magneto and 6.6k ohms out of the CDI. Apparently those figures are in the correct range from what I’ve read.
I’ve got gas right up to the carb, so I guess I’ll remove it and check the float/bowl and jet needle valve.

Any other ideas on what I should check? I do have a spare carb and spark plug sitting here, guess I could also try those
More bling. And my watch cat...

have more brass acorn nuts coming. For the motor mount bolts, the exhaust bolts and the screws holding the leaf spring together/on.


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Matching front and rear axel nuts. Fancy! When you get done pimping your ride, some full build photos are needed.
Got a color picked out yet? Before 1910 a dark blue was standard. Thereafter pretty much red.
Lol fancy indeed

I do have a color picked out... it’s really a little darker than this

I consider it around a 1910 so red it is.


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So I got to ride her briefly last night, never got over 15-20 mph. I was able to sit on her aease the clutch out and take off with no pedaling. Once she get a little momentum the power kick in.

But @Tom from Rubicon you were right about no suspension and higher speeds. She is not forgiving lol.

and motor vibration is a big player for sure. Before I take a long ride it’s blue loctite and double nuts everywh
Thrilling and harsh just barely describes the ride. I once took a prophecy ride after three beers on my Huffy Davidson.
Never did that again. I discovered fear.
Beer doesn’t concern me so much as, I need new tires on this thing. Cream 26 inch tires are damn near impossible to fine unless you wanna pay big time.

I May have to go with white tires initially

You do get to feel every bit of the ride with this lack of suspension, LOL
Carbon/Black tires were developed to improve tire wear. Black tires are period OK. Don't show dirt. I have had good service from the Conti's.
MotoMags current tires. Electra vintage thread. Electra Cruiser Vintage Diamond Tire (Cream) - PEDAL (
Great contact patch. But your builds will not likely return the money put in. So chose wisely.
I have an opinion on inner tubes. Bell's are junk. Goodyear's inner tubes make Bell's a joke. Tires sustaining the same pressure for three years. A Bell will goiter and pop, on a thin spot.
Any tire that gets you on the road, is a good tire.
