Tom from Rubicon
Well-Known Member
Have fun breaking the chain, this will make your life easier. gathering the chain ends.
Have fun breaking the chain, this will make your life easier. gathering the chain ends.
View attachment 106651
Chain Holder Tool
Go Kart Chain | Mini Bike Chain | Masterlinks | Chain Tools (
Not cheap. but keeps the cussing to a higher threshold.
About the only improvement would be to take a rat tail to the chain gripping area of the jaws.
I have not done it YET
I have been sitting on the pot too long, all the creative, monetary, and physical energy to making my Sportsman Flyer what I wanted. is done.
But all the talk of Husky wheels and links provided and this Stimulus money meant to be spent. So I did.
The Huffy Davidson frame and wheels sans engine kit was $219 on sale at Fleet and Farm in Menomonee Falls, Wi.
The wheel sets from husky totaled 20 bucks more that the whole bike.
Tells ya what ya get from Huffy.
Mind you my first re-exposure to motorbicycling from first sighting 30 years ago, when 10 vintage Whizzers passed by on a country road, lit a fire. So when a young fella at work rolled up with a Huffy Davidson in 2016 , I was smitten. I had to do it. Bike Berry was his chosen supplier at the time Having a real machine shop, allowed me to make a sprocket centering tool to perfect the concentricity of the drive sprocket, Which hounds many a rag join user.
So that's it, I'm off to Huffy land.
We are all rooting for you Danny. With Pete in the mix now, you are International.
Well Danny most everything that needs be done will be made via my machine shop thread.
Purpose made engine mount, as the universal mounts are woefully inadequate.
A 1914 Harley style rear brake arm mount.
Brake arm mount for front brake, maybe.
That sucks! I just got notice of a B.O. from Husky, two week delay in filling order. That time of year.
Is there a used market of used for sale? With Covid used bikes have been scarce. Then I checked Craigslist.
Huffy 26" Cranbrook Men's Single-Speed Cruiser Bike - bicycles - by... (
You can go on anything Curt posts but his spelling.I never found another like that linked unless they were way high due to their quality. Keep snooping CL, lucky does happen.
Check this dude with a 3D manual clutch boardy.
LOL, Jack of all trades but not a master of English. My I pad also tries to spell for me ahead of time. was thinking more older girls...........Curt
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