Tom from Rubicon
Well-Known Member
Think Schwinn Danny, braze was goobered on and then sculpted in strong flowing radius's.
Trying to get there, but I get it.Think Schwinn Danny, braze was goobered on and then sculpted in strong flowing radius's.
Definitely not. I’m gonna build it up. Ran out of acetylene this afternoon though. I’ll get more in the morning.Looking good Danny, Don't be stingy with the brazing rod. Visualize the full fillets of the old Schwinn's.
Lol, just took a look at that threadMight want to search more of Gil's content. Dude is dumber than a sack of hammers. (O' Brother Where Art Thou)
(13) finally broke down and got a shimano rear coaster break wheel | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum (
You will be mightily impress by 11Ga. spokes. My front wheel on my flyer are 12Ga. the rear wheel came from Worksman with 11Ga spokes. The difference is striking.
That was my plan, but thinking about making them now.