Cranbrook Springer Forked BTR YD100 Replica Build (without fabrication)

not bike related but welding related

Grabbed some horseshoes while I was at the local welding supply. Going to hang my TV projector screen from some horseshoes.


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I ended up getting the cow hide seat, not the buffalo hide. I’m not sure if I’m keeping this on this bike. Might go ahead and order the lighter colored one and use this on a future Harley Davidson BTR build.

it’s about time to put up or shut up. My brazing has become better. Still practicing, but it’s not gonna be too much terribly longer before I start brazing on this frame. Since it supposed to rain Friday, I will have most of the day to work on it and some more functional horseshoe welding lol


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Coming along nicely. Just make sure when you braze that you have the proper heat to get full penetration. Surface welds are pretty but weak. I usually tig weld my frames and if need be I will braze over the welds to smooth things out.
Thanks OldBiscuit

Yea I probably need more practice. Although I am getting the chromoly glowing red in the process. So far I have beat the crap out of my practice joint with a sledge hammer and it held up well. The pipe started bending.

since my only other option is a flux core welder I figure I can do much better
Work has been kicking my ass this week. No work on the bike except for taking a quick peek at what she’s gonna look like with wider cream tires. Rain tomorrow, may start brazing on the frame


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Reply received Danny, I will get these Wald fender braces to you as fast as a old fart can go.
I owe you for getting me to source stronger fender braces for my Huffy Davidson.
So as not to have a catastrophic fender failure. My wife thanks you too.
Reply received Danny, I will get these Wald fender braces to you as fast as a old fart can go.
I owe you for getting me to source stronger fender braces for my Huffy Davidson.
So as not to have a catastrophic fender failure. My wife thanks you too.

you’re a good man Tom. And tell the wife she’s welcome. All I did was let my hobby OCD Get me introduced to some cool and helpful people.