Re: Conservitive consortium of MBers
Jim, some great points, truly. "I have an idea!
How about a heading under "motorized bicycle", something like "The Pro Shop"
This would be a membership only topic area for those who have built a few bikes and know what they are talking about...In other words the ability to post or create threads under this heading would be by invitation only."
Would be awesome. Have you suggested that? Really is a good idea.
Also, the "bonified trouble shooting tree" really is brilliant! your right GH and Jim. Think like a manual, end post with it. (I took a whole day and worked on nothing but a vid yesterday. Feeling guilty now. Well, a lil)
Happy Sunday!
Post Script; Side thought about the joys of being part of this group. The other day, I called a member here just to say "hey" Odd part is that is probably the first social phone call I have made in years. Really. I have made/met some incredible friends here and really want to repay the favors so freely given to me. Came for the "how to" and stayed for the "how do" (way 2 corny for a slogan, but catchy, snork)
Big time GH! Sorry it took me so long getting back to this. I opened it at least 12 times, typed 1 sentence and thought I should wait until I could devote the time. Got swamped. Any way, gonna start on absolute basic rudiments. Then email to all for editing. Small, easy bites. Start with choosing a bicycle. End with the trouble shooting tree of it. Much later and down the road.Its just some glimpse to reality? really its is a **** of a task I would gladly take it on for a good fight! Not the kind that causes mischief just less distraction! My goodness this has been an awesome forum!!! The thought and the oblivious for more intelligence not really that way just more diligence! I have become a fun typer really because of here!! By far.........Typing and checking is learning! This is what a forum is about.... Lets grow on good stuff! LOL
Jim, some great points, truly. "I have an idea!
How about a heading under "motorized bicycle", something like "The Pro Shop"
This would be a membership only topic area for those who have built a few bikes and know what they are talking about...In other words the ability to post or create threads under this heading would be by invitation only."
Would be awesome. Have you suggested that? Really is a good idea.
Also, the "bonified trouble shooting tree" really is brilliant! your right GH and Jim. Think like a manual, end post with it. (I took a whole day and worked on nothing but a vid yesterday. Feeling guilty now. Well, a lil)
Happy Sunday!
Post Script; Side thought about the joys of being part of this group. The other day, I called a member here just to say "hey" Odd part is that is probably the first social phone call I have made in years. Really. I have made/met some incredible friends here and really want to repay the favors so freely given to me. Came for the "how to" and stayed for the "how do" (way 2 corny for a slogan, but catchy, snork)