CNS Carburetor



The first image is a 1972 Yamaha u7e and the second is a pw 80. I wonder if these carbs use the same jets as the cns given the similarities... Nougat since you have both carbs could you do some r&d and see if the jets fit?
I just ordered a NT carb. from them....Is that the one you got....I want to make sure I ask them for the bushing....

No its the cns carb, my nt carb fell off b cause it broke where it mounts (couldnt take the vibes) that one fits right on the intake
For those havin' problems with the CNS "rotating" on the chrome intake, this might help - I roughed up the surface of the chrome a bit and applied a small amount of 'Seal-All': a fuel resistant contact adhesive & sealant to just the manifold - then slid the carb & nylon bushing into place to set overnight without tightening the fastener.


The next morning I pulled the carb back off and the spacer stayed right in place, I could force it back off with some effort but unlike your typical instagasket goo, this is tough stuff designed to be an adhesive, it should help *shrug*

I gotta get ofn my lazy but and jus' make a proper intake fer the thing lol
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For those havin' problems with the CNS "rotating" on the chrome intake, this might help - I roughed up the surface of the chrome a bit and applied a small amount of 'Seal-All': Seal-All Contact and Sealant Adhesive 1109 a fuel resistant contact adhesive & sealant to just the manifold - then slid the carb & nylon bushing into place to set overnight without tightening the fastener.

The next morning I pulled the carb back off and the spacer stayed right in place, I could force it back off with some effort but unlike your typical instagasket goo, this is tough stuff designed to be an adhesive, it should help *shrug*

I gotta get ofn my lazy but and jus' make a proper intake fer the thing lol

Thanks Barely, it looks like it will be better than the bailing wire im using now, works but looks to redneck!
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Keep an eye on it anyway, this was a "stop-gap" measure until I make a properly sized manifold...

but it's better than nothin' ;)
i got a GT-5 Grubee Skyhawk 66/80 cc. (3weeks ago)it came with a CNS carb. as the stock carb. It was running GREAT !!!! but i had a pipe welded on the frame to mount the engine.(i had a come along on the front motor mount to hold the engine straight) after hitting the new pipe repeatedly with a big hammer to put it in line with the frame. i think i messed up the carb. it just wont run right now, and it has low power. before the hammer fell i could roll on the throttle and it would go fast off the line, not any more i guess i knocked stuff around and out of tune. It was PERFECT before the hammer. i lowered the idle that was the only thing i did. it was PERFECT ( the CNS carb. was specifically chosen for my motor by the manufacturer)
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Are you sure its the carb and not bearings or an internal engine part that got damaged by shock wave from the impact of the hammer? I've had these carbs apart many times and they are simple, not much to go wrong.
i noticed the fuel was not draining into the carb when i opened the petcock, as it did before n now i have to use the choke till its gets going, when before if i choked it even one click it would die. i took the bowl part of the carb off not the top with the cables
although, one of the nuts on the top plate for the piston had come off and there was way low compression on the way home i was struggling didnt notice till i got home. so i got another nut, now it is sealed properly again and it still wasnt running straight. So the bubbles inthe line that gather after a few hours, although the plug was dirty bad looked kinda rusty krusty but the chamber wasnt rusty just black on the top of the cyl. and the cap i will put the spare plug it came with in right now and see how it goes in the mornin' although i did already tweak the a/f ratio to richer (3/16 turn)
the motor mount is broken. on the front right of the crank case : ( its still under warranty,....but i would rather just fork out 200 bucks again and get the same motor new. Grrr. Dont hit the bike frame with a hammer !!!!!
Barely, I love the fuel filter and rigid line set-up! I think that I will just have to do something similar on my "vintage" style build that I am working on now.