cns carb spacer


Well-Known Member
Ok to start with this may be more than some people want to try. I have read on some threads of problems with the cns plastic spacer, so i made a copper one.
1. took my intake to lowe's and found a 3/4 copper 45 street ell, a street ell is male on one end female on the other. the male end fit good over the intake.
2. I cut 1/2" of the male end off and soldered it in the female end then cut off 1/2" of this then cut a slot for compression.
3. used a flat file to get the o.d. to fit in the carb.
After installing the spacer the carb seems to be solidly mounted, I have ran it and it works well.I will make some longer runs this weekend to see how it works out.

I rode the bike today some more and the carb is still solid.


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update-: I rode over 20 miles on Saturday with no problems, looks like this spacer is going to be a good fix for this carb. I ordered a nt in case the spacer starts being a problem with some of the bikes we have built, I was going to try the nt on my bike to see the differance but as good as mine is running I'm not going to try it.
Ohh, I may have to go try this. that's a cheap fix for sure. hopefully the copper will deaden so of the vibrations, because my carburetor likes to rotate clockwise with more vibrations. Very nice, thanks for the trial and no error!
Last update-: Three of us rode 37.5 miles on Monday with no problems, my carb is still rock solid on the intake so I think this problem is solved.
Hey Greg.
Did you happen to notice if your new spacer fixed a possible air leak at intake? I know plenty of folks have accused their carb not running well to an intake air leak, so if you have noticed some sort of reduction, that would be some hot news! I'm running down to the depot later to get my fix on.
I have no air leaks, once I installed this spacer I had to raise the e-clip so that tell me that I had a leak before I installed it. I left the black o-ring in the carb to seal to the intake with the copper spacer against the edge of the o-ring.
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I just fixed the air leak on my cns today and had to move the c lip up as well.

I went more redneck fix though. Took a piece of aluminum foil, folded twice and wrapped it around the intake. Put the crappy nylon spacer on it then slid the carb on.

You can tighten the carb a lot better and get a good seal with the stock o ring as well.
The problem that has now happened to another of the bikes I built is the plastic is falling apart.
I made another spacer for a friend today, here is a pic, of the finished product.


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Whew! What a relief! I've been sampling every plastic bottle cap, funnel neck, you name it, trying to locate a bushing for the one that crumbled like a potato chip last year! I have cut up so many plastic items, I was going nuts. Gasbikes told me to use a piece of PVC pipe or electrical conduit. No go. I actually looked at copper at Lowe's just the other day, but never envisioned doubling the thickness of a copper bushing by using a street ell this way. Ingenious! I'll be heading for Lowe's tomorrow!!

Thank you, Greg58! (You should get some sort of a prize or something for this!)
Ok to start with this may be more than some people want to try. I have read on some threads of problems with the cns plastic spacer, so i made a copper one.

OK Greg, you pointed me to this thread from my thread '2 things - Chain and Carb'.

Guess what, my spacer disappeared into thin air!
I was adjusting my carb to get it running right and of course taking it for runs to test and all of the sudden my bike dies and comes to a halt, I look down, and my carb is hanging off of the intake with only one of the two spacers in there. I looked for the spacer that fell out, but I must have been very unlucky and it must have fallen out by a gutter or something.

Anyway, how do you cut this stuff? I don't think I have the tools to fabricate this.

I would gladly pay you a fair profit margin if you would make one for me, maybe you could make a little business out of it and help victims of bad Chinese engineering at the same time!

I almost considered getting a different carb off ebay, but then I read that the CNS2 is actually an upgrade over the older ones, just badly adjusted.
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At least one of the vendors that support this forum sell a billet intake the carb will attach to directly.
You might speak with them...
At least one of the vendors that support this forum sell a billet intake the carb will attach to directly.
You might speak with them...

I found one, the question is, is it worth spending $25 on an intake for a cns2 carb or would it be better to spend $20 on this carb?

Both of these prices are after shipping.
Y'know, it's probably a better carb...

...and, I've heard all kinds of both good and bad abt BGF...

What would you think???
The carb in the picture, at the link you posted, is upside down.
(How can you advertise on the global scene and get your pic upside down?)

You are only going to get so much out of a HT engine for your dollar.

If you want to spend more money and have less probs, a lifan/HF 4 cycle is probably far superior.

If you really got bucks and want to have fun with two cycles, get a Morini.

Some fellows are replacing that plastic adapter with a piece of copper tubing with success...

There's a large number of posts abt this situation here on the board... it's a wonderful resource! You should review them!

The problem I see with the billet intake for the cns is the carb on some bikes will be at an angle because the intake is straight. Plus you have clearance problems with the clutch boss.
Greg, I made one and here's what I did differently:

Instead of soldering the two pieces together, I applied a layer of 'Quick Seal', let it cure for 2 hours outside in the heat (not in the Sun).
This held them together great and was much easier than soldering for me.

I made the next cuts like you did, but the copper spacer was too small, so I added a piece of old bicycle tire the circumference of the spacer around it and then tightened the carb onto the intake.

I think this is even better, because the rubber makes it so the thing doesn't even budge a micrometer. You can't move it if you try.

The rubber has not melted after 6 miles of riding as far as I can see.

The problem I see with the billet intake for the cns is the carb on some bikes will be at an angle because the intake is straight. Plus you have clearance problems with the clutch boss.
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The size diff. may be from one maker of copper fitting to another, on the spacers I have made the o.d. of the female end was a little large. that I filed off. Good luck I hope yours works as long as mine has, I have about sixty miles on mine with no problems.