Havnt been on here much latley. Since the 16th of last month my Mother has spent a grand total of 6 1/2 days out of the hospital with various issues. A fib, CHF then a fall striking her head, resulting in a very small hemorrhagic stroke... She is now in a rehab facility to build her strength and ballince back up. I have managed to just now destroy my clutch attempting to shim the springs. Cobrafreak warned me about how easy it is to strip the threads on the central carrier and boy was he right about the metal being soft. I have a new one on the way now from bicycle-engines.com I also have a very nice purse... Err.. Tool bag, that has a new Indian patch on it but I need to pick the thing up at the upholestery shop where they sewed it on. Sold on ebay as a bicycle tool bag. It came with a shoulder strap! Crazy Koreans!!