CatCon Muffler Mods?


New Member
The manufacturer of my kit (Ebay: LuckyEarlyBird) says it comes with a Catalytic Converter muffler. However after opening mine up it looks nothing like BareyAWakes (See here: )

Here are a bunch of pictures I took of the muffler. It was fairly easy to take apart, the end cap was the hardest to take off. I just had to remove the bottom nut and then put the end cap in a vice and twist/ pull. To remove the curved piece from the main tube I only had to unscrew the two nuts and pull the tube away from the curved piece.

The muffler on the bike:

The two nuts to remove the main tube on the muffler can be seen on the sides here:

Main tube removed, honeycomb baffle can be seen at the bottom:

This is looking up into the honeycomb baffle (I read someone else describing it as corrugated cardboard, at least I think that's what they were describing lol):

This is the disassembled main tube with the end cap still on. You can see the two boltscoming out of the end that the baffle/ curved tube goes into. At the other end you can see the nut holding the end cap on.
Here is a blurry image of the end cap with the nut and exhaust hole:

This is the main tube and end cap seperated:

Looking down into the main tube from the baffle side (not the end cap side). You can see two things that look like half inflated popcorn bags. These could have something to do with the CatCon process?? Note the small hole next to the bottom bag. This goes all the way through and out the end cap:

Looking out the end cap:

Two pics from looking down the tube from the end cap side, towards the popcarn bags lol. I guess it's up the tube actually. In the center of these pics is the bolt that holds the end cap on. The right hole goes all the way through from the popcorn bag out the end cap. I'm not sure what the purpose is of the two holes on the left side. The center top and bottom holes are connected to the two popcorn bag looking things.

Is this even a CatCon muffler?

Anyway the purpose of this thread is to find out any mods possible to do with this muffler. I'm figuring I could drill a 1/4" hole into the honeycomb baffle at the end of the curved piece and maybe enlarge the two unused holes and make them go directly through the muffler, bypassing the two things that look like half inflated popcorn bags. These would relieve a lot of pressure in the muffler but also make it a lot louder I bet.

Thanks for reading.
that honeycomb is your cat :) if your gonna drill a hole do it at the vary bottom close to the exit tube
that honeycomb is your cat :) if your gonna drill a hole do it at the vary bottom close to the exit tube

Oh ok thanks. Inside the tube or actually in the end cap?

The only thing i did was enlarge the inside smaller holes,works better but also a little louder.

The two holes on the left?


Interesting, I'd not seen this "cat" before - thanks fer the thread FTW :D

/posts link in other cat thread ;)

I searched for pics of this style CatCon muffler but I couldn't find any. Might be a new 2010 thing.
yes the two holes on the left but I have a old style solid one piece black cat but its almost the same but yours is less restrictive,mine only has 2 small holes and 1 big one, so i made the 2 small holes larger and drilled another small hole next to the other 2. The reason they can make a chrome cat muffler now is that they chrome the outer shell of the muffler then add the cat inside.
mines the older style.. I cut off all the baffeling from the cap and threw the 'catalitic converter' in the trash. I tried to turn it in for scrap ( real cats are somewhat valuble because of the contents ) but the place couldn't verify it really was a cat.. bit louder but I picked up some low end.. it'll end up putting a SBP expansion chamber on it I think
I guess you are considering this the new style and BarelyAWake's the older style?

I just found a leak in my exhaust gasket. I can see exhaust coming out of it but I really don't care too much. I figure it's giving me a bit more low end power.
mines the type where the bottom is just a cap and theres a screw holding it in.. screw also held the catalitic converter in.. bought sometime in the summer, I really don't remember exactly when
I guess you are considering this the new style and BarelyAWake's the older style?

I just found a leak in my exhaust gasket. I can see exhaust coming out of it but I really don't care too much. I figure it's giving me a bit more low end power.

i did the same but youll regret it when u want 2 clean it up maybe paint it, anodized red will be my next i just had some yellow so i did it, had to clean every fin on the top end with a Q tip, didnt paint that part though how do u get pics to come up big


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i did the same but youll regret it when u want 2 clean it up maybe paint it, anodized red will be my next i just had some yellow so i did it, had to clean every fin on the top end with a Q tip, didnt paint that part though how do u get pics to come up big

Woah that's a sick engine! Haha, gold is an awesome color. I doubt I'll repaint mine though.

To make the photos big first upload them to a photo sharing site, as you've probably already done. Then right click the photo and click "copy image URL". Then on, click the picture with the sun and mountains above the "post new message" box. Paste URL.
or just use its free and you can make many albums and organize pics and after you upload them it shows u options for message boards and u just copy and paste it adds all HTML so u dont need advanced features.