I had a project (paying job) I needed to be sure of, so I bought 100#s of pre-mixed petrobond from budget casting supply....Wow! the price has nearly doubled from when I bought mine 5+ years ago.
PetroBond Foundry Casting Sand
this is the match plate for the production run:
I cast this pattern 25 times....boring!
As far as maintance of the petro-bond, I don't take a ton of precaution. a lot of guys seperate the black/burnt surface sand from the mix. I try too also but am not very fussy. The stuff has incredable green strength & its kinda tought to riddle. I ended up making a riddle with 1/4" hardware cloth.
I am still getting great performance after years with just riddling well before storing..I prolly have on 85#s left after all my work with it. I have 150# of water bond mixed up & stored in 5gal buckets...I still use that for bronze work as that really burns the oil bond sand.
I know you can buy petro-bond binder. I think thats the trade name(which is an organophilic clay) But it is had to find in in less than industrial qty's. I have heard of guys mixing their own using an organo-clay common for making oil well drilling mud. you can find the recipe here:
K-Bond - Oil Bonded Casting Sand
the big issue here is having a real muller to properly mix the sand. & finding sharp silica sand in 100mesh to mix a batch. way finer than the "fine" quickcreet at home depot.
I have no doubt I will need to have my oil bond stuff re-mulled some day...have plans to build a muller (when I really need it). My greensand I hand mull in the wheelborow with a hand held hoe.....a real workout to say the least

It is interesting how much you can do once you realize how basic the steps are. fire+metal+sand= parts.....devil is in the details.
I will keep you up to date on my doings.
I just hope some one can take a bit of knowledge or motivation from my tinkerings. Be safe in the cave. T