If the wheel can turn at all, Its not a jammed chain. You could have a seized piston and the clutch is slipping just enough to let you turn the wheel a little. Take the chain off, remove the spark plug then try turning the engine over by turning the drive sprocket. It should turn easy.Hello any one can help me
I have fixed a few small problems already
New ngk spark plug
New spark plug cover
Fits like a glove and worked really well for a few days
When I engage the clutch rear wheel locks completely can't roll it backwards or forwards at all
I can lift the bike and turn the wheel by yanking!!! it
But noticed the small clutch doesn't turn??
the other one is for the choke the racing carbs have a shifter leaver to move the choke
A quick test would be to, take out plug, Plug it back into boot, lay it on engine head for ground, give it a kick and check for spark. If the plug is grounded good you will get spark, unless the COIL is bad. PLEASE FOLKS, get the guy started in the right direction by intsructing on the proper use of names for parts. a coil is not a magneto. The MAGNETO is the oblong spinning MAGnet inside of the COIL.So if the magneto is shorted out does it need to be replaced?
But ya gotta admit that the mag or CDI rarely go bad and not nearly as often as the coil. 99 out of 100 times IT'S THE COIL. If I get no spark on my bike I put on a new coil and RIDE. YEAH, YEAH. The right way is to test everything. yer right about that. But, Coils are only about $10 and ya should have a extra one on hand anyway. How many bad CDI's have you really seen. I've been in the MB business over 10 years and built over 100 MB's I've seen maybe 2 bad CDI's in all that time. So it does happen, just not very often. And a magneto can only go bad if it looses it's magnetism, which is very rare.the magneto coil is the part that produces the power also called the stator the magneto rotator is the magnet and you cannot test that way and say its the mag coil or the cdi you HAVE to use a volt ohm meter to determine which it is unless you want to sit there and buy part after part and spend more time waiting for the part and the time it takes to replace the part. just buy a cheap volt ohm meter and test these parts the right way!!!!!