California AB-2173 raises MBs to 4 horse power!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Los angeles
I concur, I say, good news old chap! Hopefully, soon I can switch out my 2hp motor for a 4hp motor on my street legal hoped (home-made moped).

I wonder why they are doing this? It's kind of hard to believe, but could it be because they know about us and are trying to help us out? ... ... Nah



Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
I concur, I say, good news old chap! Hopefully, soon I can switch out my 2hp motor for a 4hp motor on my street legal hoped (home-made moped).

I wonder why they are doing this? It's kind of hard to believe, but could it be because they know about us and are trying to help us out? ... ... Nah

I think they want to issue more speeding tickets to motorized bikes laff


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
I think considering how many MB related businesses are in CA they banded together and lobbied to get the law relaxed as I have been trying to do here for 4 years.
The difference is it's just me here and those that have signed my petition.

926 total, 327 from here in AZ.

If the most restrictive over-regulated state in the union can loosen the rules regarding MB's I will go down to my state capitol loaded for bear with a ream of facts on paper and in graphs like a rabid bull on crack next session.


Sep 5, 2011
I concur, I say, good news old chap! Hopefully, soon I can switch out my 2hp motor for a 4hp motor on my street legal hoped (home-made moped).

I wonder why they are doing this? It's kind of hard to believe, but could it be because they know about us and are trying to help us out? ... ... Nah

According to the Bill Analysis this is what the author was thinking: "Motorized bicycle: horsepower increase: The first provision of this bill would authorize an increase in the power of a motorized bicycle motor (from 2 to 4 horsepower) for those motorized bicycles that have a maximum allowable speed of 30 mph. This change would allow these devices to have sufficient power to maintain travel speeds on hills. Specifically, the author notes that allowing these vehicles to have more powerful motors would improve roadway safety because when motorized bicycles fail to keep up with surrounding traffic they create a substantial hazard for both the operator (who can be easily "rear ended") as well as for other vehicles using the roadway (e.g., who may need to stop abruptly or swerve to avoid a collision)." Open link, click on Bill Analysis then 04/25/14-Assembly Transportation to seem more of the original intent of the Bill.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Los angeles
Dang it all to heck! They are trying to help us!

I am sorry to say, I don't have a lot of faith in politicians from any party, and I realize this bill has not yet passed, but that analysis just sounded so level-headed and logical. Who wrote this bill? He or she should be publicly commended.

I guess they are not all dumb asses, excuse my french.



Active Member
Mar 17, 2012
North Bay
They're tired of yelling at their windshields, "Move, B****, get out tha way!" rotfl

Actually they'd need engine dynos, WHP is subject to drivetrain losses, up to 99% ;) lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
I think considering how many MB related businesses are in CA they banded together and lobbied to get the law relaxed as I have been trying to do here in AZ for 4 years.
The difference is it's just me here and those that have signed my petition.

926 total, 327 from here in AZ.
I actually only had 397 signatures, 327 with AZ zip codes and as of today 10 with CA zip codes, the rest are from elsewhere or didn't enter a zip code as I only have sorts for AZ, CA, and All.

From the time I posted this pole to last weekend some guy using these IP address.

which is hosted by

2461 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite #517

Entered over 500 bogus ballots with CA zip codes.

It wasn't so much he was stuffing the ballot box, it was what he was stuffing it with.
He spent days filling in the comment section with BS paid links to crap like payday loans, title loans, BS spam links over 500 times.

The sad thing is he wasn't helping your CA or my AZ cause, he was giving it a black eye for pennies in profit he never saw and making me look bad.

What this particular jerkwad didn't know was I have my own server and wrote the database and web pages for everything on it.

It only took me about 1/2 an hour to delete all his BS in mass and then set a couple of traps for him tricking him into thinking he was still getting away with it when in fact nothing was ever saved and he was just jerking himself off with no 'happy ending' 174 more times to date.

I looked long and hard for some way for people to comment or sign a petition to endorse your CA MB law change but couldn't.

You Cali folks are welcome to use my informal petition to voice your views on relaxed MB laws and then just pass the CA sort link to the congressman behind the effort.

And don't try to stuff the ballot box or spam it, I am 'smarter than the average bear' as Yogi would say when it comes to my web server and sites on it, but I really don't want to dick with it despite the simple feeling of revenge I got when I've seen this guy try at least 174 more times to keep spamming and all his work has been deleted and succeeding 0 times ;-}


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Los Angeles
"AB 2173, by Assembly Member Steven Bradford (D-Gardena), increases the horsepower limit on electric scooters and mopeds from 2 to 4, increasing their safety by enabling riders to keep up with street traffic."

It's 2014 and Sacramento is just now figuring that little factoid out?

How many times have I been WOT with cars breathing down my neck behind me and no bicycle lane to escape to? WOT on my new bike should now allow me to feel comfortable at freeway speeds, if need be. People in cars ain't gonna hear a thing either, except the winds wake turbulence rolling off my helmet. LMAO


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Here is the link to the new application form with 4HP!
That last question is a killer...
"Maximum speed of 30 MPH on lever ground?" Y/N

Well heck, I seldom build anything can't do 30 with way less than 4 HP, I guess that's so big heavy moped makers can put enough power to move 'em and even then they only hit 30.

It's that darn speed thing again, you can't regulate something that will see hills by how fast it can go balls to wall on level ground.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
Here is the link to the new application form with 4HP!

There is still a 2HP version out there!
Thanks BigBoy
Surprising that the DMV has the updated form online because I thought
the new 4 HP law went into effect on Jan 2015.

Makes the ~66cc 2 plus HP motors legal not that anyone seemed to care.

Only 30 mph is never been an issue too unlike Arizona where they throw the
book at you for over 20 mph.


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
With all this great news I thought it was appropriate to ride my 4hp race bike to a friends for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday afternoon.

Is there a db limit on the exhaust noise level? My dad said my bike was so loud he could hear me coming from 1/2 mile away! It is insanely LOUD!

Did I say 4hp? That was a typo......24hp is about right :D

Man is that bike fun to ride...... .wee.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Makes the ~66cc 2 plus HP motors legal not that anyone seemed to care.
I care! That is the great news part.

Only 30 mph is never been an issue too unlike Arizona where they throw the book at you for over 20 mph.
Naw, not in my Phoenix area, if you are riding safe the cops don't really care but not my point...

Your new law still uses the words 'Capable Of' to define legal, and most everything built is CAPABLE of going over 30MPH and therefore illegal.


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
I care! That is the great news part.

Your new law still uses the words 'Capable Of' to define legal, and most everything built is CAPABLE of going over 30MPH and therefore illegal.
You don't want to move to California then, you might get a speeding ticket or arrested for owning and building illegal motorized bicycles laff