Cafe' Racer

You guys are all crazy!rotfl I thought I was the only crazy one. That bike looks low/fast. I couldn't take it for long my back would kill me. I'm geting to be a big wossy.(all right no comments from you sorry boys)
I had a better word for you all instead of boys but I'm not supposed to use them here.(?)
Only rich kids had them when I was growing up. Us poor folks had to take our Mickey Mantle baseball cards:eek: and steal some clothespins off of the neighbor ladies clothes line and pin the cards so they would clatter in the spokes. Sounded(c) like an engine to us.................
I'm pretty sure my old man didn't buy mine new!! Probably didn't steal it but........
Only rich kids had them when I was growing up. Us poor folks had to take our Mickey Mantle baseball cards:eek: and steal some clothespins off of the neighbor ladies clothes line and pin the cards so they would clatter in the spokes. Sounded(c) like an engine to us.................

Well in todays standards you probably had the most expensive motor of all the kids on the block....rotfl
If I had the bike I have now back when I was a kid I would have been the coolest guy in town.....................(c)