
The problem with the weather is that everyone complains but nobody ever does anything about it.
The problem with the weather is that everyone complains but nobody ever does anything about it.
I am not complaining, put your TV on CBS right now and you can see what it is like here live.

It will make you feel warn just just watching it ;-}
It is not shorts weather for me yet, but it's open doors and windows again today weather.

Baseball's MLB Spring Training is just staring up now.
~1/2 the teams are here, the other 1/2 are in Florida.

As you might imagine the Cubs added hundreds more seats to their training facility right away after finally winning the World Series last year,
they expect a LOT more CUBS fans this year.

I have a couple more real gas tank frames so I think it's time to make a Chicago Cub's themed MB or two.

A 4-stroke shifter with a rack to carry your cooler, and of course Cubs colors including redoing the 4G's transfer case's cover to be a big CUB's logo.


I know where the snow birds gather, I suspect I could sell them in a heartbeat on the spot.


Ride up and park by the front door of the bar and the let the crowd grow.

It would be a great time to actually make some decent profit for a change, it's damn expensive to care for special needs even with good insurance!

For a unique tribute bike to mark this occasion would really be pretty awesome for some fan.

A pocket full of business cards and a swipe box for credit/debit card on the spot payment, (it hooks to a smart phone) with maybe a little crowd bidding, I see me gong home with a Net Profit in the $1,000 range for each one.

That will warm me right up ;-}
Hey KC, we've got 12" of snow on the ground up here with another 24" coming in the next 48 hours with night-time temps of about 0*f. There is so much salt on the road that my dark blue van is a crusty grey salt colour. Even if I had studs in the motored-bike it wouldn't have the power to push through the snow. I was riding a little Yamaha Blaster while there was 4"-6" of snow, but finally it cannot really make it through this either. We are finally into sledding weather. It has been late coming.

Blew a headgasket on this machine.

Pushing it hard in deep snow, it failed. Turns out the washers under the head nuts were too large, not seating, even when torqued. Many hours on it until the load came on it, they gave and failed. Darned gasket is $45cdn delivered!

I'm going to Florida next month. Canadian duty to charge back up on vitamin D.
To bad Arizona wasn't on the way.
Hey KC, we've got 12" of snow on the ground up here with another 24" coming in the next 48 hours with night-time temps of about 0*f.
Well Steve, I like to live where the weather suits my cloths, and I don't have many cold weather clothes ;-}

My wife has had multiple offers for promotion in General Mills, but they required us to move to Minnesota, even $30K extra a year wasn't worth it to me, and finally my wife who likes the cold agreed 25 years ago...

Simple really for me...
Just the other day when it was ~80f with the doors and windows open watching TV news about the snow I said to her 'This is why we live here baby', and she knows it as I say it every year around this time ;-}

It's pretty weird for me here. I've been riding my motorbike in a t-shirt. Kids riding bicycles around. People doing yard work. And this is Indiana in February. I'm not saying I miss the cold and snow. Especially not since my buddy in Nevada is telling me what torture that stuff has been for him. Just seems odd, is all.
Thanks to the west coast storms and snow pack our drought is pretty much over now too, just not in such dramatic style as elsewhere, 75F today but another system is coming through and it may not get to 60F!

I think I am going to need those muckluck boots and some animal skins!
Just saw flooded vehicles up to the doors in down town San Jose. I guess a creek went over flood stage by a few feet. I am not sure how wide spread, but it was on the internet, so until I see it on the TV, am not really sure. Always have some doubt these days? But seriously there are a lot of warnings and that Lake Orville Dam is got to be scary if you live under it!
Just saw flooded vehicles up to the doors in down town San Jose. I guess a creek went over flood stage by a few feet. I am not sure how wide spread, but it was on the internet, so until I see it on the TV, am not really sure. Always have some doubt these days? But seriously there are a lot of warnings and that Lake Orville Dam is got to be scary if you live under it!
The trick to living in the desert Southwest is catching every drop of rain you can and storing it.

Sure lakes are the easiest and funnest way to store water, but replenishing the aquifers (underground lakes) is key in drought years.

Simple really, we know where the underwater lakes are, we just build big dirt retention walls where the water table is closest to surface and all that rain filters down to the underground lake for future use ;-}

It takes a lot of land in the right place to be of any good, but we are good at that here as we have a lot of 'space' to play with, CA not so much.

On a side note my best wishes to all my friends and extended family on the west coast, just hang in there, nature **** happens but we are a nation of helpers.
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I thought I saw some high tech kind of paving that could be used to make side walks and streets. The rain would absorb through it and under ground as non-potable water it will collect in tunnels to fill tanks to be used for watering trees and lawns.

Any way yes many people evacuated. Some areas the water has no way to exit and may be more than 3 days to sink in. More rain in a few days anyway. Hope people had flood insurance.

https://vimeo.com/203975237 In between storms riding


Ya, NorCall is drowning.
My desert yard here looks like a 'tall weed jungle' hehe, the pets love it but it looks like I may finally need to break down and buy a new mower.

I'll bet I can find a heck of a deal on a new lawn mower in February ;-}
Good News!
The brutal winter weather conditions here in Phoenix are finally over and I can come out of Hibernation hehehe ;-}

It is time once again to enjoy some of Best Weather on the Planet ( if you are old and hurt) this time of year.


~90F outside late in the day is nothing, we don't even turn the AC on for that.
~60F outside in the morning is nothing, we don't turn the Heater on for that either.

What irritates me is my Utility Bills...

AC Power
Natural Gas
And Water which includes Sewer and Trash service.

I get charged every month regardless of use just for the 'service'.
That includes a ****load of charges and taxes even if I use nothing.

This of course has always been going on and why the 2 Utilities on the Monopoly board are so popular, but I have had about all I can take from Government adding taxes and fee costs for my basic needs, burying them in the bill.

And just for an AZ update, the state legislature is trying to sneak in a gasoline tax raise this year.
I am fine with that if the State sells off every single member of the States politicians State paid vehicles, no need to raise any tax then, all the roads will be funded then.
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Meantime, back on the balmy east coast of Canada:

Good news is NO mosquitoes!

Gasoline is going for $4.20/us-gal cdn, which is only $3,15us with exchange.

I don't like my 15% sales tax, but I've had to use the free medical care far to often. I probably use as much energy to heat as you use to cool, although the crackling fire is a nice place to enjoy an adult beverage.

I've been to Phoenix, it is darn nice, and Canadian weather available (if you want it!) only 2 hours north. It truly is a nice place KC.