Burning through fuel or evaporation?


New Member
I've been running a Grubee Skyhawk 66cc for about two months now. It's tons of fun but I noticed that I blast through my fuel a lot faster than I had expected. I have a 2.5 L tank, and use my bike to get to and from campus (1 mile each way tops) and guzzled my way through it in less than 4 days. I thought it might be the rich starting mixture, but the problem persisted as I leaned the mixture out.

I took it on a 18 mile romp and checked the tank before and after, and noticed almost no change in the fuel level, so I'm thinking the fuel might just be evaporating as it sits. All the hoses are clamped down tight, and I close the fuel valves when I'm not riding. I notice no leakage around the carb or the cap either.

Any ideas?

Not to hijack my own thread or anything, but a few links on my drivechain keep getting kinked. I lubed them up with some light oil, and then as the problem recurred, hit the problem links with some heavy grease, but this has yet to help.


Hi Mald, welcome to Motorbicycling.
Riding in a cruise mode takes a lot less gas than blasting around! Just like a car.
if your chain has stiff links, grab it with both hands, each hand about 6 inches from the link, and bend it back and forth (sideways, not up and down. y'know, the way a chain's not supposed to bend.) that should do it.
To Professor:

Thanks for the welcome! I was in the dark about my bike until this site. I know the stop and go eats gas, but my 18 mile romp included ten million stops and lots of hills. I'm pretty sure its evaporating because I just checked my tank and the gas level is about an inch lower than it was three days ago and I haven't ridden it since. Also, the bike stinks up my garage, as if I just had a gas can wide open. I think I either need a new gas cap or a way to seal it against evaporation. That sounds like a bad idea though... Maybe it leaks when I ride?

To Bairdco:

That's such a simple and effective way to do it! It worked! Thanks! Now there's no nasty grinding sound every tenth of a second.

Just need to get the fuel thing figured out and I'll be in business.
It's interesting that you've got such an evaporation problem... I hadn't really thought of that before - but I do store my bike indoors in the basement where it's always nice and cool (weird convo for midwinter lol). I wouldn't recommend getting any sort of "non-venting" cap as it could lead to problems (pressurizing while sitting, forgettin' to vent to ride) but as an experiment and to help prevent "stinky garage" syndrome - you could use just a plastic bag as a seal between cap and tank *shrug* but I do wonder if there isn't a sneaky leak somewhere that you've somehow missed as mine doesn't stink up the basement any... or my nose is dead... could be either lol

It is odd but tru that the more miles I racked up on my bike - the better the mileage got. Mine was stubborn and took nearly 300 miles before it truly broke in, combine that with my fiddling around with the fuel/air mix, oil ratio, and performance upgrades (port & polish, expansion chamber), not to mention the simple things like really good lubrication and proper tension on the bike's bearings and chains and it all adds up. The drag of a binding chain (and/or a misaligned tensioner) will kill yer speed/efficiency far more than you'd expect...

Still, I'd keep an eye on yer friend's cars - if one of 'em is smokin' ya found the culprit lol
My recommendation would be to check your float level. If it is set a bit high you may be draining a bit more fuel into the bowl and possibly into the engine than it should especially when sitting. This will usually lead to leaks but not always. Try bending the prongs down on the float assembly and see if that helps.
I think Ghost0 nailed this one... be careful & only bend the prongs a tiny bit, (like 1/16")
Also make sure the choke lever in pointed down when you ride... this way it will use less fuel.
A plastic bag and rubber band around the gascap and airfilter will stop stinky gas smell indoors, i know it works for me and mines in my living room.

And for the gas problem, i ride my bike WOT 30mph 1 mile to store and back every few days and get 180mpg. You either have your idle set real high,have a gas leak,or someone is helping there self to your gas.

You're getting 8mpg on your short trips and alot more on your long trips,maybe someone is getting to your tank on the short trips.
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