Bumper stickers

"I'm to drunk to walk. Can I borrow your car?"

(LOL, I was told I said that to a friend in a bar I lived above. To get a car up stairs, I would have had to back on the lawn of folks who lived accross the street and get up some good speed. Apparently, that was my intent)
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P.E.T.A.........People Eating Tasty Animals

Klondike and Snow: The Other White Meat.
(Some years ago Klondike and Snow were Polar bear cubs and the hits of the Denver Zoo and the local media.) Some Denverites weren't so impressed and displayed that bumber sticker.

As a practical joke a friend and I made some bumper stickers and stuck them on co-workers cars. One went on the rear bumper of a female receptionist's who was a good sport. It read: "I Can Do 2 At a Time". She didn't know it was there until her mother pointed it out almost a week later.

Another one who had a handicapped license plate. We added the word, "Mentally" .
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ass grass or gas...
nobody rides free

keep honking...
I'm reloading...

if you can read this

drive like ****...
youll get there

I had one once..it said...

Y B Normal?

of course I had to put it on up-side down
Not quite a bumper sticker, but I had one on my old Yamaha XT350 that said "Caution! Unstable guidance system."

My neighbor across the street has one on his jeep, mounted up side down, that reads "If you can read me, please turn me over".
OT but you guys made me think of this crazy biker chic I used to date. (if you had met her, you'd know I am in no way speaking respectively of her and that is exactly how she described her self) But her licence plate read; ONPROZC. lol. She asked a cop once if that would lead him to pulling her over. He said "NO! would make me think 2ce about doing it" Cracked me up. She also had a theory, "See a cop, take a drink" The woman never got pulled over!

One night at a turkey shoot, (So we had a bottle of wild turkey on the bench. She also belived firearms and drinking went well together) They told her she had to stop bringing yankees around. The kept winning all the meat and taking all the woman. Was one of the proudest moments I had during that chapter in life. She was really hot. Nutz but really hot.

People are crazy and we are just some of them.

(came up with that lil truism around then, lol)
Back when the man in question was campaigning for President: I saw a "Ralph Nader" bumper sticker on a '63 CORVAIR!!!!!

A few of us are old enough to laugh our fool heads off at the irony of this situation.