Goat Herder
Gutter Rider
Moved a 140 gigs of stuff between some hard drives formating reinstalling Linux Mint. Was still using the same Mint os that sat in the first comp. That 140 gigs only took 20 minutes to move. Boy howdy I liked that! This is my new bare minimum marker.
My last comp would have took a couple of hours. Can remember a time when just 15 20 gigs could take a day.
One outlook that has come to me... is spending too much time on a comp is kinda already a sin.
Why do it on a slow one?
Think it would be fair to say if it's slow enough it can lag opening Internet that's a deal breaker. Like my Dell Mini at work. Gonna can that comp. Dang thing will not die. Got some Indian trading to do with a friend.
Sitting on some good upgrade memory in my closet. Bound to be another work around. Just about anything might be faster than that Dell Mini Ten.. Dunno what ever comes first.
Got a new years motto average is good. Nothing slow again....'''ever''' lol
Was at Best Buy the other day and saw 200 and 300 dollar Google lap tops. Strolled over to the Windows lappies and dang those were steep. 300% markup from Google's.
System builder bargains at the likes of NewEgg and Tiger. Anybody done much of those? Have had good luck with both.
Have built a few comps but my specialty for awhile was getting folks scraps. It's a catch 22 butt can't go wrong with New.
My last comp would have took a couple of hours. Can remember a time when just 15 20 gigs could take a day.
One outlook that has come to me... is spending too much time on a comp is kinda already a sin.
Why do it on a slow one?
Think it would be fair to say if it's slow enough it can lag opening Internet that's a deal breaker. Like my Dell Mini at work. Gonna can that comp. Dang thing will not die. Got some Indian trading to do with a friend.
Sitting on some good upgrade memory in my closet. Bound to be another work around. Just about anything might be faster than that Dell Mini Ten.. Dunno what ever comes first.
Got a new years motto average is good. Nothing slow again....'''ever''' lol
Was at Best Buy the other day and saw 200 and 300 dollar Google lap tops. Strolled over to the Windows lappies and dang those were steep. 300% markup from Google's.
System builder bargains at the likes of NewEgg and Tiger. Anybody done much of those? Have had good luck with both.
Have built a few comps but my specialty for awhile was getting folks scraps. It's a catch 22 butt can't go wrong with New.
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