So the new mother board works flawlessly. I still digress against windows. ''I just love to hate on them'' All tho went ahead and tried the windows 10 upgrade. It is their quickest OS yet. I mean not a bad OS. Especially if one is a novice needs to learn very little. So windows will spy on them and take great good care of them lol. Had to throw that in there. *Snickers*
Knaw truth be told I can make any of them work and work good. Nuttun faster than a custom Linux tho.
A cheap disposable Minitower as Mike suggested would be a major bummer for me . As a simple video card upgrade would not happen. They don't work in small tiny miniature towers. The only computer monitor for me will always be my 1080p 60 inches flat screen. Once I went this route, no going back for me as a arm chair surfing *champion*
One of the things that makes this system I built work so good is the Quad 12 megabyte catch CPU, This mother board with the hotrodded memory
, and SSD is as good as modern needs to be IME and HO. No hesitation with anything I am doing. Will have to add the clause again that I just have NO use at all for any video games.
With a Alfa wireless N compatible high power usb dongle running. Their is no hesitation at all with web surfing. The best I have ever seen in a Linux and I have had many over the years. Linux did go thru a phase of unsupported wifi over the years. This get up simply fell right together for me. Have seen some interesting battles over the years tho.
Just love taking old comps folks just don't know what do do with and cleaning them up. Been one of my favourite hobbies. It's just so dang easy!
Got a dell Mini 10 that is the absolute bottom of the barrel. Upgraded with a Solid State Hard disk, A pretty bullet proof rugged constructed lap top . That thing can be said to be a perfect example of junk tho.
I installed This is still a little slow. Yet faster than it ever was out of the factory... I use it to look up warranty codes at work with it. Perfect example of cheap disposable refurbishment. So the neat-O part is if it should get stolen? I got nothing in it. lol.
Linux Lite is a lot like Ubunto 8.03 was and perfect for a bottom barrel refurbishment.
Linux Mint still is among my favourites. Been noticing a trend with OS code getting longer in every OS over the last few years? Interesting as one does not always catch this stuff when running the newest comp off the shelf. What that tells me? I wanna say it's all bloat ware spy code............
Windows 10 will work fine on my new tower gonna do some registry editing tho.
How bout that bloat ware? Who the heck uses MSN money??