The bike is built up and looks good. Not great though. Struggling with exhaust.
I torched it up RED and bent it a couple times, still not right.
Then ran out of time. Thought that this would be the easiest part...
I was mistaken! Will be giving it another try today.
Here are a few shots of the muffler.
Once it's all together, I'll post a completed shot of the entire build.
I did not like drilling that hole in the bars to mount the throttle.
Honestly that throttle is cheezy, and not substantial enough.
It's going to get replaced soon, but I did what I had to do.
Soldered up the CDI, Magneto, and Kill switch.
Going to start over though, got some more wire to lengthen it out.
The wires are just too short because of the bike frame size.
I will be able to move the CDI away from the engine.
And at the same time move the wires away from the header.
I have spent a lot more than 2-3 hours building this up.
Maybe I am being a bit too fickle about it coming together?
But the effort put into this build hopefully staves off future issues!
"I have spent a lot more than 2-3 hours building this up.
Maybe I am being a bit too fickle about it coming together?
But the effort put into this build hopefully staves off future issues! "
Not at all rangefinder. Time spent perfecting anything is time well spent. Fixing things BEFORE they break is one of the secrets to trouble free bikes.
NEVER settle for anything you don't like. Because you like it is the best reason for doing anything.
Just my opinion.