Brakes! How are yours?

it looks like bluesky is your better deal, they should bolt right up to your forks
(IMHO, the 180's are overkill :))
any front disc wheel will long as it is not a 'centerlock' needs the 6 hole iso standard mount
the bb7's are a good piece of equipment, that is a good price with your choice of rotors as well
(I like the clean sweeps:))
mech disc are easy to maintain, and bb7's have a really good rep
I had a pair of them on my haro full suspension that I sold to finance my mb

just my personal opinion/experience :)
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Thanks Bill, I was reading the reviews of the bb7 and it seems thats the one to go with. Hopefully I can find a cheap used disc wheel.
VeniceBoy and a few others have mounted disks to a springer fork. Search on his posts. has a kit to mount a disk caliper to a fork that isn't equiped for it. (I may have not spelled that URL right, but you can google that string and find him).

My brake choice is a coaster with a drum on the front. Drums are retro, quiet, all weather, and can be mounted to anything.
Quick question: are there any inexpensive extra wide side pull caliper brakes that will fit around the fenders of my Windwood, or am I SOL? I may go with an HD axle kit with the drum brakes at a later time, but for the interim i would like to have some decent stopping power on the front wheel to supplement the coaster brakes.
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Quick question: are there any inexpensive extra wide side pull caliper brakes that will fit around the fenders of my Windwood, or am I SOL? I may go with an HD axle kit with the drum brakes at a later time, but for the interim i would like to have some decent stopping power on the front wheel to supplement the coaster brakes.

On mine all I had to do was squeeze the fender in a little so the brakes would clear. But no, I do not know of any extra wide caliper brakes. Maybe someone else might have an ideal.
Wild eyed rebel biker... fat marlin brando on a ten speed with a tiny little engine. ^5. That has got to be one of the silliest images I have had in a month. Thanks for the laugh guys.

Opps was supposed to be in helmets again. Sorry

thats funny stuff no matter who you are...
the best brake setup i have used for these bikes is my current, a disc brake in the front, and a band brake in the back. i can lock them both up f nescessary
My Sturmey-Archer X-FDD front hub/brake is in, does anyone have a picture of a correct installation? Thanks!
I have the hub on, brake is functioning. Next step is to set up my light from the dynamo. Someday, pictures will be up, I need to resize them but have no program to do so.

Which caliper brakes will work?

With a schwinn del mar, with the fenders left on? I would get a drum brake wheel, but they are just too expensive for me as of now. Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Which caliper brakes will work?

Take your bike to a bike shop & ask them for a brake that will work with your fenders...
Re: Which caliper brakes will work?

I just bought this type from Ebay Black Bicycle Mx Brake - Front Alloy - eBay (item 250506901200 end time Oct-30-09 17:42:46 PDT) and they worked on my DelMar. I leave the fenders off. These had a good radious on them and cleared the fender. If you buy a different type, you can always snip a notch in the fender, on both sides, and just bend it in under the fender, to allow the brake to work. I also have the double brake lever mounted on the throttle side and the coaster brakes removed.
Joe you were cracking me up!
i use avid 10 post brake on rear and 160mm disc brake on front. and those suckers S-T-O-P on a dime
The brakes work great! It really stops fast especially when you use all three, front brake, rear brake, and coaster brake. What an improvement!

Tomorrow I will test them going down hill, did a few today but tomorrow I will go up Sentinel Peak to see how well they really work.

FR31MB/Short Ride - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I really like how this looks and if it works as great as you say I should be doing the same with my ride. I'd have to get some help if I need to do some welding though.
I really like how this looks and if it works as great as you say I should be doing the same with my ride. I'd have to get some help if I need to do some welding though.

That set-up worked great, I was reaching speeds close 48 mph going down Mount Lemon and the brakes worked great. I used cheap brakes striped from cheap Walmart bikes. If you were to use more high quality brakes I am sure it would be even better.

I was lucky enough that my Della Cruz already had the mounting holes for the brakes. At the worst you may have to drill new mounting holes.

YouTube - Motorized Bicycle up Mount Lemmon in Tucson,AZ

Mount Lemmon Ride pictures by FR31MB - Photobucket
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Anyone thought of adding another set of side pull brakes on the other side of the tube where my Cantiliever brakes are mounted on the rear and then doing a double lever for just the rear's, I hate front brakes bad experience.
Front brakes are 75% or more of your stopping power. Learning the correct useage is the best way to go.