Bonneville Salt Flat's anyone?

How many are seriously interested in running at Bonneville

  • 2 Stroke

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • 4 Stroke

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Just a thought, but how about we form a committee to investigate the possibility of becoming a governing body and do our own thing. It would take one person to get the ball rolling and kidding aside, would or could be MB specific. There is probably a drag track in driving distance of every one (or track, dirt field etc)

With national/international standards, every one could compete locally. Then have a super bowl of sorts some where.

We as a group are not exactly a follow the crowd, kinda crowd. (that is so funny in my head)

Just need a place, some guidelines and some crazy folks who take perfectly good bicycles and bolt motors to them......

(That and would finally give me good reason to finish my pulse jet.)

Just a thought.
Here's a pic of the most powerful and lightest China girl ever.
Built by Dave at Arrow Motorized Cycles.
Will be setting speed records soon.


nice tuned into this 2stroker this by the statement is going to smash 63miles right, it would be nice to see same 2smokin flat speed rides going for the record
Dan, I like your thinking. Enough people and we can set up our own sanctioning, then venue. It does take work/time but collectively that may be the way to go.
Here is a pic of the motor I bought and the bike I just ordered to install it in. This one will be to learn with and hopefully be pretty quick. My methods are probably unusual here but I come from racing road bicycles and 600 superbike motorcycles. With 4 years at a bike shop that built sub 10lb road bikes all the time. Anyway I hope to get this one going 45 and weighing 45 once I get it all sorted out.

Here is a pic of the motor I bought and the bike I just ordered to install it in. This one will be to learn with and hopefully be pretty quick. My methods are probably unusual here but I come from racing road bicycles and 600 superbike motorcycles. With 4 years at a bike shop that built sub 10lb road bikes all the time. Anyway I hope to get this one going 45 and weighing 45 once I get it all sorted out.


How funny this is the bike I made mind from, same engine.

I try to post a pic tomorrow of it togetter.
Bert Rod is making billet cases, heads, sleeved aluminum jugs, professionally balanced cranks on skyhawk frames and pushing 60+, each build is faster and faster.

Guys like him, Fred and Dave from Arrow need to have a build off. Show everyone who the best builder is.

I bet those guys can build a 80mph monster if they wanted to.
scotto, my 80lb. colson cruiser with the backwards engine blew up at 62mph, but was witnessed by aleman and neil at 54.

way before billet heads, reed valves, and other off the shelf performance parts wete available.

if i built a bike half that weight with one of the starfire motors i have and some modern technology, i bet i could do 72 easy.

i'd leave off the front brake though. going OTB isn't something i'd like to re-live...:)

and if anyone's serious about claiming a record on a china doll, we'd first have to clarify what a china doll motor is. if you swap the head, jug and internals, you might as well rivet a "skyhawk" tag onto a motorcycle and duct tape some pedals to it.
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Well I like the bike over all.But I did change out the seat, for a saddle,
much softer, & a little lower.Remember these are fixie bikes so you
must turn the rear wheel around.

Another problem is the between the spoke spocket mount will not
work.Even though it is 36 spokes it don't fit.I took the sprocket off
the left side & annealed it to get some of the hardness out & machined
the teeth off & drilled & taped six 1/4 20 bolt hole pattern & same
for the kit sprocket.I also turned the center kit sprocket hole to fit.

It runs as true as true can be.Also the rear motor mount fits but the front
will take some changing.I guess that,s true with most bikes for they all seem
different in tube size & angles?

Fly "any help needed, just yell"
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and if anyone's serious about claiming a record on a china doll, we'd first have to clarify what a china doll motor is. if you swap the head, jug and internals, you might as well rivet a "skyhawk" tag onto a motorcycle and duct tape some pedals to it.

There would definitely need to be some clarification on how far one could be modified... I've seen some where just the lower cases are used and everything else is off other engines really tearing it up, then I've seen others make good power using the stock internals and jug. It would be interesting either way to see what others can build...

There could be 3 classes for these... 1 where the engine must use only the parts it came with, but can be modified for more power... This is the one that separates the men from the boys since all the power is coming from an individual's porting skills and their ability to keep it running cool enough to finish the runs.

A second class would allow aftermarket pipes, carbs, and billet heads... This is the class most of us would fall under since most of us can use the stock jug, piston and crank assembly to make excellent power with the ability to make or use an off the shelf pipe to enhance that power, a billet head to help keep it all cool, and larger carbs to feed this type engine.

Then a 3rd class which could be full modified, unlimited, "run what ya brung" type... This is where billet cases, cylinders, pistons, cranks, rods, and anything else could be used... with the only qualification being that it has functional pedals. This class would still have to use a "China Doll" type case, but it could be fabricated to match up to whatever jug the builder chooses to use.
I like that idea. I remember that guy with the "China case" that had a moped crank and jug on it.

Yes, I remember that guy too... that was one bad to the bone machine there too... I could just imagine all the crying if someone set this all up to try and set a record and someone else came in with an engine like that because there was no clarification on how heavily modified the engine can be...

The other part is that if it was just for stock engines and only certain mods are allowed, we could never see what all people could do with these engines.

And if somebody can make an all stock engine fast with only the stock components that came in the kit by porting and altering the port timing, they should get credit for that since almost anyone with deep enough pockets can do a jug swap and make a monster out of these bottom ends but not so many can grab a dremel and a set of needle files etc and make one of these things go fast. But it's also really cool to see these things with improved jugs, huge carbs, and motocross pipes ripping it up.

One other good thing is that either class anyone who is able to build something rediculously fast would have a wide open market for selling their modded goodies for these engines... Just look at the few who are dominating the flat tracks and races with these engines already, Everyone who wants to go fast wants their engines and parts they sell.
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Thanks for the reply Flyman, I really look forward to building this thing up. I am reading a bunch of good ideas. When I have some time I will try to come up with some classification ideas to throw out there and see what you all think.
scotto, my 80lb. colson cruiser with the backwards engine blew up at 62mph, but was witnessed by aleman and neil at 54.

if i built a bike half that weight with one of the starfire motors i have and some modern technology, i bet i could do 72 easy.

I can do 72mph any time I want on my bike.....all I have to do is change one sprocket. It ain't no china doll, but the engine is made in China, the frame in Taiwan laff

Let's hear some "fish stories" rotfl

Scotto, I really like you 4 stroke in those pics!
I have been thinking about classes in my spare moments. I am thinking at first we would have to see how big of turn out we could get for "motorized bicycle" then split into sub classes from there. Like has been mentioned a stock class and modified stock of some sort, then unlimited. Probably just 4 stroke and two stroke with the sub classes as mentioned by others would make the most sense.
My initial thoughts are no fairings or wind aiding devices at first until safety can be developed for tires and chassis. With the right streamlining these motors would already reach ridiculous speeds. Like I mentioned in the beginning, Human power alone is hitting 80 mph in fully enclosed bikes. That i with less than 1 horsepower and I think some of you are in the 10 plus horsepower range. If we could squeeze one of these motors in one of those stream liners I don't even have a good guess as to how fast it would go. Actually I do have a good guess, really f*#&ing fast ha ha.
Any way I am really glad of the interest and conversation happening. I have raced many venues both cars and bikes in my life but I have not been to Bonneville. I really hope we can get some numbers together and go roar down the salt flats some time soon.
looks like el mirage is just waiting for some R&D about 20 mi from grange. salt and dirt is different from asphalt big time just ask the gsxr 110 mph guys.