Blood Thursty!


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Upper Mississippi River valley
It was still in their shop 2 years ago...

Perhaps it’s not for sale, other items were marked with that.

Of course, if offered crazy money I’m sure he would.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
It's interesting to see how those original bikes were put together. Not much different than the replica motor bicycles of today. Even if you didn't know anything about 1910, a guy in his garage today is likely to come up with the same solutions as a guy in his garage in 1910.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
You know Dan is always tell'n me that what we do with these bikes is illogical, but over a 100 yrs ago thats what it was all about, think about it! how illogical was it to put an engine in a bicycle? now we have motorcycles, and the solutions we resort to, they did as well, so going forward we have to go backwards. (stuck in the past!)
If memory serves me correct the price was about $5,000.oo still an exlnt price! for a complete bike, don't think he will ever sell that one at any price simply because he isn't the type to let the bike slip through another 100 yrs of history stuffed in a box,forgotten.
What intregs me is, Who owned it and it's path of owner history? Who rode it? Where was it ridden and if was raced ? since it was found in Florida it leads me to beleive that it never has been in the western United States and not really to far from it's birth place.
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New Member
Jan 15, 2012
Piston to cylinder clearances are tighter on the red one.

The red one has black clyinders allowing for faster heat disapation.

The blue one needs spark plugs, oil lines, plug wires, carb linkage

The carbs and intakes look different, one carb appears mounted on the left and the other one on the right??

Different magnetos.

The blue one needs the rear exhaust pipe.

Taller cyclinder base nuts and washers used on the red one, no washers on the blue one.

The slash cut on the exhaust pipes is different.

The red one was factory built by Bob and the blue one was built by Howard.??

The second idler gear in the magneto drive train on the blue one has more wear on the gear teeth than on the red one.

The red one uses Castrol oil products, the blue one uses Valvoline products but only from the southern refinery.

The blue one has never been run during a full moon. But the red one has ran during a lunar eclipse.

Secretly the blue one wants to be red??

The red one prefers the outdoors, the blue one likes it indoors??

other than that I can't tell..........
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
The blue one is a big base for racing and the red one is for a stock both using the same upper end , when you hear of the super eight the blue engine is what is being refered too although both model were used to race the blue one is specifically for racing. Yuo can tell by the Magneto gear box and size of the magneto box itself, plus the throttle body and card are bigger as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Learn something new every day, there is a guy out there who took a 1911 single cylinder and put a 1930's head and put it on and a different intake and carb on and upped the HP by 4 then did something to the gearing wich added better top performance I'll have to find it but it was amazing what he did.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Notice the two on the right are hard tails and the one on the left is kick start, interesting the difference between the tanks too. I think the one on the left is 1912 because the one at far right is 1918 and the one in the middle 1916
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