Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your temps and snow!Down already, LOL.
Snowed of and on all day yesterday, about 37 degrees, go about a 1" as of now this morn. Sorta split between two belts, over 2' north by Fargo, ND, comes here and goes up. The other belt goes south around Mpls. and over towards you and Tom, crazy but happens a lot. I think it has to do something with the great lakes. Ours will melt in a day or 2, but the rest i think will be here to stay. NOT READY..........Curt

walloped all Summer with rain and my Dad always said, "It Rains on the Concrete!" The rain likes to head over the big lakes.
A friend and I have been looking at unvented propane heaters since I need another one here. I bought a 6k btu heater a few
years back and it has a single ceramic block in it and it's too small. I've got a 30K btu going in the basement and another in
the kitchen and both of them put out btu's! We put a new Carrier furnace in here several years back and it is one of the high
efficiency furnaces and the unvented ones run circles around it in costs and heating comfort. I've never had to run the two
heaters to full output of 30k btu's and they have thermostats on them and I suspect the settings are around 12k-15k in the
Winter. If you guys are thinking about those heaters make sure they are thermostatically controlled the 6K one is all manual
and it would only be good for a bathroom. I've got a infrared electric Comfort Glow and it will run circles around the 6k even
on low setting! Well, so much for goodies for the bike now and the weather is going in a Global Warming Phase! LOLs if
you believe that?

Wife or Girfriend!