Bike berry breaking bad


New Member
Sep 30, 2023
In ref to bike berry false advertising I am trying to find a lawyer to take my case. 5 engines later the advertised product does not contain the advertised parts. Second engine 1 wrong part. By the 5th engine every part was not what is advertised. To the point the engine would not start. Not just wrong part, bad failing parts. If anyone else has purchased the now called V1 100cc motor and noticed parts not correct please reply. Class action is my goal.

Engine 1 perfect
3 ring piston, super magneto, hp cdi, hp bearings, 3 prong sparkplug balanced crank.

Engine 2 (everything above except for...)
Hp magneto,

Engine 3
Hp magneto, standard bearings., 2 ring piston

Engine 4
Hp magneto, standard bearings, unbalanced crank, standard 415 chain. 2 ring piston.

Enghine 5
Standard magneto (reading 318 ohms) standard cdi, standard bearings, smaller unbalanced crank. (4mm smaller) 2 ring piston

Both engines 4 & 5 had same issues. Within 30 days the drive bevel gear shattered (#4) or broke into 2 pieces (#5) . 8 and 10 says after that bottom connecting rod bearing broke. Which is very dangerous and life threatening. Not to mention the catastrophic results to the engine leaving sometimes a rebuild not even an option.

I would love to try the v2 motor omg sounds awesome. But my experience tells me first hand not to trust bike berry. Advertisement and results are never the same. Not since engine 1 7 years ago.

I am looking to screen the community of people with the same results to help get the interest of lawyers that specialize in class action suits.

Support story
Bike berry then sent my replacement parts that were also wrong. Example is on this last motor standard CDI reading 318 ohms failed to start the motor. Since my bike was already built I literally road up on my bike opened the box took the motor off put the new motor in went to start it it was literally a 15 minute job would not start I knew immediately it had to be the Magneto because the CDI was just working with the other motor 15 minutes ago. So I opened up the Magneto cover. Very disappointed when I didn't even see a high performance Magneto but a standard Magneto certainly not a super Magneto as advertised. And I realized the CDI they gave me is also standard not high performance. So I went to the support section on their site. I said to the person you guys advertise super Magneto and a high performance CDI and I received the standard CDI and the standard Magneto with a standard Magneto is reading 318 ohms. The lady then says well that should start the engine there's nothing wrong with that. I was like are you kidding me really your own website recommends tossing them and replacing them blow 320. So that she says well we're going to replace it anyway because that's not what's advertised a week later I get my mail I open up high performance CDI and a high performance Magneto so once again I call him up this is not a super Magneto yes it is look at the label. I said the label doesn't mean s*** high performance has twice copper windings as a standard a super then doubles that. When you set a standard Magneto next to a high performance Magneto next to a super Magneto you can physically see the difference in the copper. The lady then tries to tell me that the way you can tell the difference is the red and black wires as opposed to blue and black. I said where you getting information from that is not correct that is so wrong it's not funny the color wire does not make it a super Magneto. They still refuse to send me the super Magneto.

So I type a email to complain to management and explain all that with more details than what's even here. The next day I find my email on their message system except the white the background is white the text is white so you can't read it or even highlight it to read it. So since all emails to support go through their online support system automatically somebody took the liberty to White it out. Eventually I come to the conclusion that I can't even contact management of bikeberry because the staff deflect all emails and phone calls and texts and don't let them know. That's the icing on the cake that makes me so mad I am ready to sue the f*** out of bikeberry anybody want to join me I am serious this is not a joke
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
It seems that some people have good success with Bike Berry and all their companies and many have the same success you did. I've been here since February 2009 and there have been many problems with Bike Berry over the years. If you look around the forum you will find a lot of stories to back you up but many of the people are long gone from the forum and finding a lawyer that will take your case may be nearly impossible' I wish you the best of luck and keep us posted as to what's happening.


Tom from Rubicon

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Rubicon, Wisconsin
The aggravation saved by using top dollar components is worth it.
My first build was sourced from BBR and served me long enough.
Save the lawyer money you intend to spend. Read up on Tort Law.
As Steve has recommended, use this forum search engine and start reading.
Get in touch with Norm.

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Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
The aggravation saved by using top dollar components is worth it.
My first build was sourced from BBR and served me long enough.
Save the lawyer money you intend to spend. Read up on Tort Law.
As Steve has recommended, use this forum search engine and start reading.
Get in touch with Norm.


I'm not sure why you want him to talk to me??? I have very little experience with Bike Berry... (& the two or three parts I ever bought from them was always exactly what I paid for).

The only thing I can really say is that I'm pretty sure BBR doesn't have anything to do with what's inside the boxes... I'm sure they buy their engine kits (pre packaged) from the same Chinese factories as all the other sellers.

Just out of curiosity.. I just looked at BBR's listing for the V1 100 & it doesn't say anything about 3-ring pistons & the claims of HD bearings, chains & other parts is very vague... (all 415 chains are heavy duty & the CDI pictured looks stock).

The OP admitted that BBR sent him all the replacement parts that he requested.... (so I'm not sure what his issue is there, because BBR made it right).

I think he's just a very in-experienced 'assembler' who's trying to blame BBR for his own errors...
(Even when I first started (& had zero knowledge of these engines), I never had this many engines fail in a row)!

This guy is exactly why I don't sell engine kits anymore!!!

In the end... I think he's just trying to extort BBR for free stuff. :(
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
The problem that Mrcullers may find with a lawsuit is that Bike Berry is a reseller. They sell what the manufacturer or another reseller sends them. The reseller and manufacturer is in China and a lawsuit in China may well be impossible. I'm sure that BikeBerry doesn't open every box and inspect the engine to make sure they are the same.

Myself, I'd look around to see who else is being recommended as a reliable seller and contact them for a motor and parts. If BikeBerry Isn't meeting requirements why keep buying from them expecting things to get better?



New Member
Sep 30, 2023
There is always someone in every thread that seems to read half of the post and start making comments. Inexperienced no not the case. That was five bikeberry Motors I also have purchased seven others over an eight year period.
* I do complete rebuilds
* balancing cranks
* removing conrods
* rebuilding Pistons with aluminum brazing rods
* rehoning head
* installed belt drives
* I get sent engines to me from other shops for rebuilds.
* I use dial meters, dial calipers, torque wrenches.
* in my neighborhood I am the guy people pray to God that I take care of them.

Having said that.... (for the negative people)

I don't care what their site says now. What I have listed is what they use to say was in this engine. They can downgrade it now that doesn't change a thing. V2 hasn't even been out 2 months yet. Maybe 1. The specs on v2 is what v1 use to say. Other than the built in Reed.

I figured out what destroyed the last 2 engines. The cranks were not balanced, as they are not vague about. #4 just was not balanced. It shattered the drive gear with in a couple weeks. Then locked the crank. #5 was 2mm to small in each crank bearing totaling 4 mm of play in the case. That caused the drive gear to break into 2 pieces within just a few days.

But more inportantly the needle pin bearings on the conrod broke which caused the piston to be slammed up against the cylinder wall with such great force that it deformed the Piston broke the piston rings on the muffler side of the cylinder. Above and below the exhaust port was about 2 inch by 1 inch transfer of aluminum that's a lot.

My complaint is that they say their balance crank so this should never have happened. And the fact that tech support completely lied to me on three occasions about three of the parts in there.

That's correct to the one person who said they're all HD chains right that's what they say but that's not what they're delivering they say upgraded bearings they're not upgraded bearings do I need to go through all this again please if you got something to say read first then comment thank you. But then again it is kind of hard to know who you're talking to over the internet last thing I am is an idiot have a good day

Also to advertise these things on the internet and then not them in the last four engines is false advertising. I didn't say anything when it was one thing I didn't say anything when it was two things but when every single component in the engine is not what's listed I'm mad

And another thing you might want to research class action lawsuits don't cost any money lawyers work pro bono on them. Because the class action is multiple clients in a group representing one problem. See they don't know how much it's going to cost because it's not one on one. Once a class action lawsuit starts many other people can join the group. Just like you have seen on TV. Being a reseller does not make them not guilty for falsely advertising a product in America if they are overselling a Chinese product that's their bad they should not be doing that. I know my engines bike bury his turn to s***
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Jan 17, 2024
In my eyes this would be a rather small money matters claim. It takes an x amount of money to sue a person or company, even then you must stipulate between their policies which are typically meant to protect them.

I recently had a very bad experience with Bike Berry. They sent my an F-ZERO frame with damaged rims and gave me the run around for 1 month until i got tired of it and corrected their issues myself. I would be upset with bikeberry too if i was you. But my curse list started with California Motorbikes. I used them as my go-to and deeply regretted within a month or two.

But my worse experience was California Motorbikes. 3 engines, all blowing oil seals and being sent defected parts in all engine kits when the seller claimed that he hand picks the best of all qualities prior to shipping to customers. It turned into a case where I had to file a claim against products on Paypal and he had to make things right by sending replacement parts. has been very pleasant. I had two issues with my Phantom 85 v3. Exhuast cracked, breaings in clutch basket gave out. Their sending replacements now. They have a 6 month warranty and i purchased the newest Phantom 85 v3 off amazon with a 2 year accidental plan. Yeah this was a sure shot that I'm offically done with all these sellers making claims to be the best and sending us shotty and defective parts.

Believe it or not i've tested 6 different engines in the past 2 months. All had their defects and maintience. The worse issues were with California Motorbikes. Being that all his engines crank bearings came unsealed, they all blew oil seals. The minarelli had no support on carbs or tuning or documentation, all that knowledge was obtained by research and reading. My most pleasant experience so far has been with the Phantom 35 v3. However its only at barley a hair past it's 310 miles marker. So i don't want to jinx myself. From my experience the clutches with all these kits are the worse.

I'm a hard driver. I don't think anybody makes a magical engine that is beyond anybodies expectations. I'm looking at three failed clutch baskets on my counter all with bearing issues.

I have a $1.8k Minarelli felt faker on my balcony right now that i cann't drive because i need to hexicoil one of the cylinder studds back in place. Something became loose. I was pushing 15rpm i went to go back to tighten it. 144 inch lbs on a torque wrench. one bolt went past. because of vibrational wear. Now it won't start.
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Jan 17, 2024
Aside from that I'm really sick off all these sellers making false claims of specs of whats upgraded or not. It's rather redunant sales tactic.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
This motorbike hobby was a builder’s hobby for decades that morphed into an assembler’s hobby. Everyone is building fakers now. $800 for the f-zero is a helluva lot of money and I can see from the pictures the disc calipers look like garbage. I recently bought a mechanical disc caliper, first I spent $8 which broke during setup, then I bought a $25 tektro Aries unit which was very well made. If you want quality you have to either spend a lot, or read a lot… or both.

The OP hasn’t been seen since October and only made two posts here. Stuff like this, class action blah blah is just “feel good” topics.

I hoped to offer an ebike frame/rolling chassis this year but I got held back. Assembling ebikes isn’t easy and not everyone has the time or tools to build custom frames. That’s the niche that can really be filled. Same for 212 bikes but there’s not nearly as much money in it. That’s what I wished for since the beginning and I guess I’ll have to be the change I want to see in the world.


New Member
Sep 30, 2023
TThis is why a jury of your peers scares the living **** out of me. nobody reads the facts for the facts and throws an opinion out there anyway. It's a good thing I don't let social media determine my state of mind. Before I make a post I know I already know that 40% of the people are going to get it wrong are going to say stupid responses and not even read my post it doesn't matter where the site is or what it's about 40% of the people will be idiots


New Member
Sep 30, 2023
Do you know the number of windings on a Magneto When comparing the standard Magneto to the high performance Magneto and the super Magneto. I do because I rewrap my own magnetos with fresh coated wire. Tech support got on the phone with me and argue with me about the Magneto they shipped with a standard that read 318 ohms and said that should start the engine now who here knows the truth 318 won't start at 60 cc let alone 100. They advertise that it comes with a super Magneto I don't care about the advertisement out there now I care about when I bought it. So they sent me another one but they send me a high performance not a super. I call him back again and say this is not a super Magneto they argued with me that it was I told the lady just because you take a high performance Magneto and put it in a super Magneto bag or put a super Magneto label on it doesn't make it a super Magneto what makes it a super Magneto's the amount of copper wire windings. She tells me the way you could tell the difference between a super Magneto and a high performance Magneto is the wiring. What makes it super Magneto is red and black wires instead of blue and black. I said that is not true high performance and super Magneto both have black and red wires standard has blue and black

Lets just talk about the Magneto only. It was advertised with a super Magneto it came with a standard. When I called and complained they sent me a high performance. But only after argue with me telling me that that should start the engine at 318 ohms she reluctantly sent me another Magneto. Then I receive high performance not a super and then I called back and it argue with me on that and that's just one freaking item.

okay now let's talk about the bearings I challenge anyone to go to Lowe's and check out bearings sealed bearings. Lower grade bearings have a blue seal higher performance bearings have an orange seal and the highest performance bearings the greatest ones have a black seal. Blue Seal bearings is stock Orange seal bearings is upgraded. Every other engine has come with stock bearings.

so ask yourself something honestly should I put up with this should I tolerate this should I give my hard-earned money to the most expensive retailer of the bt100 motor who oversells it doesn't support it comes up with every reason to not honor the guarantee
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New Member
Sep 30, 2023
The man walked up to you and said hey I can sell you a Lamborghini imported from Italy exactly the way you want it. You order it you pay for it you get it. And it is nothing like what you asked for or was advertised.

What would you do how would you be feeling?

And how would you feel if 40% of the people on the internet said it's Lamborghinis fault it's not the guy who sold it to you.

Now let me ask you something else passing the buck is that really what we do in America. No we don't if you're retailer you must know what you're selling you must tell the other party you're not going to sell their stuff if they can't stick to the order. Or the retailer has to start stating availability issues may exist with this item and they don't ever say that.


Jan 17, 2024
This motorbike hobby was a builder’s hobby for decades that morphed into an assembler’s hobby. Everyone is building fakers now. $800 for the f-zero is a helluva lot of money and I can see from the pictures the disc calipers look like garbage. I recently bought a mechanical disc caliper, first I spent $8 which broke during setup, then I bought a $25 tektro Aries unit which was very well made. If you want quality you have to either spend a lot, or read a lot… or both.

The OP hasn’t been seen since October and only made two posts here. Stuff like this, class action blah blah is just “feel good” topics.

I hoped to offer an ebike frame/rolling chassis this year but I got held back. Assembling ebikes isn’t easy and not everyone has the time or tools to build custom frames. That’s the niche that can really be filled. Same for 212 bikes but there’s not nearly as much money in it. That’s what I wished for since the beginning and I guess I’ll have to be the change I want to see in the world.
Believe me you're spot on about the calipers. I have a fully ported minarelli that ate through the fronts and rear pads like butter. There is no way to keep them tuned. It requires you to readjust them after every ride and it could be quite dangerous if you're not driving carefully at 15HP. Yes my minarelli does 15hp and has a balanced crank... I saw that Smolik sells a hydralic disc brake adapter. I need it for the front now! Just keeping my eye out on a good set for this faker because it's a dangerous thing to go over 40 with not reliable breaks!!!
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Jan 17, 2024
Do you know the number of windings on a Magneto When comparing the standard Magneto to the high performance Magneto and the super Magneto. I do because I rewrap my own magnetos with fresh coated wire. Tech support got on the phone with me and argue with me about the Magneto they shipped with a standard that read 318 ohms and said that should start the engine now who here knows the truth 318 won't start at 60 cc let alone 100. They advertise that it comes with a super Magneto I don't care about the advertisement out there now I care about when I bought it. So they sent me another one but they send me a high performance not a super. I call him back again and say this is not a super Magneto they argued with me that it was I told the lady just because you take a high performance Magneto and put it in a super Magneto bag or put a super Magneto label on it doesn't make it a super Magneto what makes it a super Magneto's the amount of copper wire windings. She tells me the way you could tell the difference between a super Magneto and a high performance Magneto is the wiring. What makes it super Magneto is red and black wires instead of blue and black. I said that is not true high performance and super Magneto both have black and red wires standard has blue and black

Lets just talk about the Magneto only. It was advertised with a super Magneto it came with a standard. When I called and complained they sent me a high performance. But only after argue with me telling me that that should start the engine at 318 ohms she reluctantly sent me another Magneto. Then I receive high performance not a super and then I called back and it argue with me on that and that's just one freaking item.

okay now let's talk about the bearings I challenge anyone to go to Lowe's and check out bearings sealed bearings. Lower grade bearings have a blue seal higher performance bearings have an orange seal and the highest performance bearings the greatest ones have a black seal. Blue Seal bearings is stock Orange seal bearings is upgraded. Every other engine has come with stock bearings.

so ask yourself something honestly should I put up with this should I tolerate this should I give my hard-earned money to the most expensive retailer of the bt100 motor who oversells it doesn't support it comes up with every reason to not honor the guarantee

Yes You're correct all this hype about all magnetos and cdis are false. CMB however has extra winded magnetos in their kits which I appreciate and they function great... Doesn't change the fact that anybody can re-do this themselve and get better results.

As for CDIs. Their all BS.

- Catnip CDI from California Motorbikes took a dump on me in a week. First followed by wires poorley crimped and assembled to falling off, to re-soldering, then forth to it buring out the cdi box.

- BBR Tuning Stage 2 is great however i ripped it off my bike recently because sometimes when i check the spark on the magneto and power drill with the spark plug out of the cylinder head, the spark is great but it also takes a tremendous amount of pedaling to reach that revolution and have a solid start on your bike. I dealt with this being an issue for weeks ona Phantom 85 v3 until i just said screw it and used their stock one out of the box, zero issues now besides annoyingly having to replace clutch pads and using an afterwarket rdm clutch plate because after driving i constantly have to readjust the plutch plate after driving cooling cycles and using the retaining screw

- All cdis are lies in preformance and tytpically don't improve until you replace the boot and wires with higher gauge copper wires and better boots. Some even in some kits as some may have discovered are TDI's not cdis.

There is obviously a myth about all these cdis in the market. They all read about the same voltage out of the box in the end. The ones they claim to be higher preformance are just slightly higher. But you don't really get their maxinum preformance until you replace the ignition wire with a thicker copper gauge.

Bike berry is very resourceful on information and tutorial on Youtube. But it's all backed by sales and marketing, their customer care is compariable to Bill Gates outsourcing his market to India then calling himself a philanthropist. They sent me an F-Zero frame with the rear wheel missing a hube nut to mount on the bike properly. The rims got dinged during shipping from poor packing and effected tires going flat every assmebly. The Hook worm tires say they need to be pumped to 65 psi. I went through 5 flats of the bike just sitting there until i invested money into Tannus Armor tire wraps which eliminated the pinching in the rim issue. I also had to file the imprefections inside the rims. They poorely packed them! They tried to make photo document everything after speending one whole month asking me how i installed the wheel hub axle nut they forgot to put on the rear rim on the first place and assumed I damaged the axle after showing them pictures of the rim having internal nicks pinching tubes and flattening them. Of course I also posted a review on their site which they didn't approve because it revealed their not perfect and screwed me over in the end. Right now their frames are selling for 600. I got mine on sale around the same. However keep in mind if you build one yourself with all the right parts. YOU WILL SPEND over. There is no magical BBR Tuning F-ZERO FELT FAKER frame. it's all from the same company: CDH POWER. All these sellers are re-labeling things Bike Berry and Bicyle Engines relabled their aftermarket clutch plates to BBR and Zeda. Because nobody likes the back ordering and shady communications of RDM.

I had one person on the other motoredbikes forums pm me and suggest an actual rtv cdi that's better but unfortunately lost all that information because Damien is a jerk.

Any suggestions in better cdi boxes from rtv and scooter applications that work lmk!
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Jan 17, 2024
The man walked up to you and said hey I can sell you a Lamborghini imported from Italy exactly the way you want it. You order it you pay for it you get it. And it is nothing like what you asked for or was advertised.

What would you do how would you be feeling?

And how would you feel if 40% of the people on the internet said it's Lamborghinis fault it's not the guy who sold it to you.

Now let me ask you something else passing the buck is that really what we do in America. No we don't if you're retailer you must know what you're selling you must tell the other party you're not going to sell their stuff if they can't stick to the order. Or the retailer has to start stating availability issues may exist with this item and they don't ever say that.

Well that applies to anything consumer in America unfortunately. Watch a documentry about the olive mafia in Italy. You will notice that there is a lot of people across the global selling things to apeal but their sources may not always be accurate. That's why I stand behind modifying these piles of junks myself.

It's a sad world we live in as for trade. Lots of sales tactics and lies.
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Jan 17, 2024
Besides my bad mouthing of CMB. I really enjoyed the fact that the owner of the LLC has worked with sending me out parts just as bicycle also Keep in mind that their Minarelli deal is a real good deal. The cylinder head is a japanese clone that cost 150 for the conversion kit off ebay by itself. However these china doll lower end crank cases need to be ported for maxinum preformance. I have taken the time and liberty to porting mine but it's still just a paperweight on the counter until I get my Smolik ported minarelli back and running. I took out the studs and cracked the case open last night. a stud protuded to far in opening inside the case. I had to use a tig welder and aluminum to finely patcht he hole today...... I also noticed a hole in the third transfer port.... Sadley this isn't weldable i rather jb weld the small area so I don't loose compression again.

GL with your ventures. I truely mean it. One Wildcat piston blew at high rpm due to poor crank balancing. I know the frustration. When you're working with various motors. It's a full time job!