Bicycle motor with a cat?

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Is this a crock of you know what....or what?

Boy go fast says he is selling a 66cc engine with a catalytic converter. The muffler looks the same as a regular muffler.

Anyone know the real deal?

I'm kinda skeptical on this one, since he lists 49.99 shipping but the top of the description says 54.99, plus a lot of other discrepancies in the item description.

Enlighten me.
Joe, you do know that Roland proved these 2-strokes would pass emmisions here in AZ. I wonder what is in his cat? I'd like to see one cut open, you should get an ideal whats in it if he say's how much it weigh's. If it's a real cat, it should weigh alot more then a regular muffler.
I found this one from revolution starting bid $14.95

rotfl When I saw Joe's post I thought I was going to see pic's of some guy riding around with his cat rotfl


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Joe, you do know that Roland proved these 2-strokes would pass emmisions here in AZ. I wonder what is in his cat? I'd like to see one cut open, you should get an ideal whats in it if he say's how much it weigh's. If it's a real cat, it should weigh alot more then a regular muffler.

Yeah, I saw that Roland got 'em past the EPA. This guy says he sells 'em with a catalytic converter....I just wondered if he was full of it like a lot of ebay sellers, or if he actually has a cat on them. He hasn't responded to my inquiry yet.

ran49- I saw it on one of his ebay ads. I look through all of the sellers there periodicly to see who's telling what kind of lies (and there are a LOT of those) and who the honest sellers are. This cat thing got me wondering, since I guess it's possible, though not probable...unless it's some kind of cheap Chinese cat. His engine prices are the same as the ones without cats on 'em.
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What's in that thing? Do you know?

I cant tell from the pic, I dont see anything that I recognize and I have torn open my fair share of cat's. I do know this! Cat's only work at high temps and I dont see the exhuast of these things getting that cat hot enough to work. Not only that if it is a real cat, are two stroke oil would plug it up real fast.
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That's what I'm sayin' I painted a pipe with regular old rattle can paint and it only burned off the first part of the header pipe, not the can itself.

Finally, These engines have been proven that they will pass the EPA regs with no problem at all, so why would one need a catalytic converter anyhow?

I say the emperor has no clothes!
Here in AZ the standers are: Hydrocarbons 220 Carbon Monoxide is 1.20, thats pretty damn clean. CA has a higher standerd, does anybody know what it is? I can check my bike when I go back to work on thur. I think it is just to please the environmentalist.
I will tell you something, but dont spread it around I could get in big trouble. I have busted out many plug cats for people who could not afford to buy a new one. And I've always been able to get them to pass. In some cases they actually passed cleaner, that goes for the smog euipment for the early 80's vehicles. I have disabled them and made it look like it was working to fool the inspecters. And guess what, not only do they run better, but run cleaner. But try telling that to big brother!!
I know when i got my motor from boygofast it was not what the ad said and he said the kits very. it didnt have the adapter for the larger frame mount and don't remember what else. he did not offer to send me the adapter which kinda ticked me off
A few years ago I had a car that would not pass smog here in ca, I went over to Hot Rod City and got a gal, of alcohol and poured it in the tank that had less than a half tank. I took it over to be checked and the guy said it was too clean, I said "it is too clean, I think is just good enough". We could run our two smokes on Alcohol and I think it would pass any smog state. You can't drink it put it in the tank, the mileage will go down, but it would put a little more power under you. Have fun, Dave
O.K., got my response from Boy GF- He says "In the pipe".

That answer is about as accurate/vague as the other things in his listings....I call "B.S."

Now to address the emmisions thing once again- the bike that was rested and passed the EPA check was a broken in 48cc bike running a 25:1 mix. It was well under all limits.
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Remember to re-jet accordingly and use an oil compatable with alcohol.

Yes!! I found out the hard way :(
Some octane boost should work aswell, I wonder about the fuel fragrance, it's basically alcohol I think. Anyway's these motors are not as dirty as everbody wants them to be. If saying we have a cat on our bikes keeps the environmentlist to leave us alone, so be it.
I have a cat on my's a special low heat cat that looks just like the insides of a muffler, scientificly proven to keep the emmisions well below standards. It boosts the engines capacity to 80cc's and comes with the really good Russian clutch lever too. Better than anything else out there, I SWEAR IT!
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No bridge, but it is extremely custom fit to the bicycle frame! Fits almost anything too! You may used it on tractor, boat, even wifes rollingpin!
Absolutely vibration free and very high quality!
Buy it now before I have to backorder some more to send to you today!
No bridge, but it is extremely custom fit to the bicycle frame! Fits almost anything too! You may used it on tractor, boat, even wifes rollingpin!
Absolutely vibration free and very high quality!
Buy it now before I have to backorder some more to send to you today!
Let me get this straight, the BGF kits are the bomb! I would love to find an engine kit that would not vibrate, thats my biggest issue. Have fun, Dave
Especially the EPA engine, great for mounting to anything you want! Have many good spare parts left over to build time machine with!
Yeah, but these bicycle motor kits will still pass EPA regs, so they must be "clean" by the EPA's own standards.