Bicycle Motor Refuses to start

Re: Motor Refuses to start

My thinking if there isn't too much movement it should help anyway. Maybe keep it from falling out again.

I don't think it came out that easy. The magneto is essentially a magnet and the key is small and was pulled out due to the 2 of them being so close each one. When I pull out the magenta it must of picked up the key as that's where I found the key.
Re: Motor Refuses to start

Either way we are back to square one. The key was present and motor still did not work. It be nice to have 2 bikes with a motor on them..However the time i spend on this isn't worth it really. I'm no closer to finding the problem then I was when I started this thread. It's frustrating and helpful @ the same time. I learn more and more about how these things work.

I'm sure if I was shown simple enough I could do proper matienace or simple repair on it.
Re: Motor Refuses to start

Try this obviously when the bike ran the key was there, when the key was gone you couldn't get it started. Put the key back with some jbweld and try it again.
Re: Motor Refuses to start

i think you have come a long way. i have learned alot just reading this thread. get the key in their and it should run. we might have to all put our heads togather to get it running smoothly but at least with the key you should be able to get it to fire up. if you get it running right you will see it was worth the headache and you will know alot more about a bicycle motor then most.
Re: Motor Refuses to start

I was sure I posted a picture of the key way ..Anyway I will post the pic again.

Here is the pic I took today with my roommate's digital cam. Oh and I FOUND the key! It was stuck to the magneto.

Pic without the key and a picture WITH the key.

In these pictures - what is that spooge all over your engine and where is it coming from?
Re: Motor Refuses to start

Put the key back in with some JB Weld and make sure it lines up with the OLD groove....fill the wallowed out part with JB and let it sit until it's hard (overnight). Then grind away any excess and re-install the mag rotor.

Worth a shot.
Re: Motor Refuses to start

Try this obviously when the bike ran the key was there, when the key was gone you couldn't get it started. Put the key back with some jbweld and try it again.

That's not correct. I clearly stated I had not removed the cover where they magneto was until I exhausted all the suggestions. Therefore during each time I tried to get this junk motor to run the key was present.

In these pictures - what is that spooge all over your engine and where is it coming from?

The green stuff is what's left of the gasket. It was a cheap gasket that feel apart as I removed the cover.
how about if the key fell out before you removed the cover that is what we all think happened........back when the bike stopped running that was why you couldnt get it to start...but good luck whatever you decide to do
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Sorry but I'm done with this post I tried to tell you send me it. I'll either fix it or tell you what and why it's not able to be repaired.
Re: Motor Refuses to start

That's not correct. I clearly stated I had not removed the cover where they magneto was until I exhausted all the suggestions. Therefore during each time I tried to get this junk motor to run the key was present.

The green stuff is what's left of the gasket. It was a cheap gasket that feel apart as I removed the cover.

I think he's asking about the excessive amount of oil on the engine.
I say you ship it back to where you bought it from and tell him all the things you've told us....he'll be much less patient.
I think you've found the solution in your first post.

yeah. The oil is leaking from the exhaust I replaced the gasket. I will get around eventually to mailing it. For the key It is possible the vibrations from the engine knocked the key loose enough that the magneto picked up from pure magation..

It was vibration more the normal and my exhaust tip had came off. I had tightened everything up after and well it just sat as I was waiting for a new exhaust. Sense then it hasn't worked..

I will try to get the key back in place properly and try again..If it still don't work then I officially give up and I will take it apart and mail it.(^)
I'm a totall dumbass...I started to dismantle the thing and it turns out It works the engine.....When I make a gasket I some how forgot to put a hole for the exhaust to breath....Now I have officially lost the key for the thing as well..:-||:-||:(:(
rotflDUDE!!!!! I'm first in line!rotfl

Really, I've done worse myself....just not for awhile, could be my turn next.

Now, don't get too worked up about the key- you can get one from almost any hardware store, or seller of these kits.

You be riding soon, I just know it.
sorry laughing with you. when i first installed my bicycle motor on my bike i stepped back to admire my awesome custom mounts i made and looked and looked and something didn't look right. i finnally notice i had mounted the bicycle enine on it backwards and if i was using the front wheel for the sprocket it would have been fine. all i could do is laugh at myself and start all over. rotfl