Bicycle Motor Refuses to start

Here's more comic relief- I drove my ford ranger uptown and lost my keys somewhere.

I walked the 9 miles home and got my spare set and drove my daughters car back up to where I parked the truck....
Is the part circled in the pic easy to find ? I damaged it trying to pry it off and I don't know it would still work. It's not entirely level when I have jammed the screwdriver in to pry it off.

i see you are in canada. you can also pm chris hill and he can help you out. he is a canadian dealer
Only one more thing I can think of. On a test ride I left the carb filter off and
a bug got in it cloging the air jet up. It may or may not help. FFA, Fire, Fuel &
I installed my new 80cc kit two weeks ago. Now I am having starting problems. Does anyone know what the head bolts are supposed to be torqued at? How about the compression coming out of the spark plug hole. When I place my thumb over the plug hole there is very little force from compression. Fuel + Air+ Ignition - Compression = absolutely nothing. Thanks....(c)
Torque them down to between 15 and 25 ft. lbs. Not sure ion the exact compression, I know they are lower compression engines like 6.5/1.
Joe is close to it. What I wound do is put a torque wrench on the head bolts
and see just what they are. Not knowing anything more than it's an 80 cc motor, I can only guess. Honda 80 uses 22.5 psi. NOW one of two things will happen if you don't torque it right. Too loose and you will burn the head gasket. Too TIGHT and you will bust a head bolt stud. The spark plug has a gasket called a compression gasket, and thats juct what it does. Compress.
"Feel" if the plug is tight. If it were me AFTER finding out the propper torque I would remove the head then the gasket and spray it with Copper Coat. Any
auto parts store has it. JUST the gasket, nothing else! Put it back together.
See if that works(c)
Saddletramp1200 and Bikeguy Joe:

Thank you for the torque advice. You can have the best fuel and spark, but without compression an engine will never start. Off to Auto Zone after work to pick up some Copper Coat...great advice!! I will let the forum know if this solves the problem. Like I said before, the 80cc kit is only two weeks old and was running great......then out of sudden it will not start.