azbill's EZM stretch project


Active Member
a few people have asked for pics of my not-finished-yet stretch
the bike is a Micargi Mustang GTS (x-mas present)
I am still mid build and am waiting for an in-frame tank---azvinnie (my son-in-law) is making it (his first time making one) the tape is to protect paint during tank fitting :)
I have a budget of 0$, so am making it with what I have available
(I sold a back wheel and other parts to finance the sprocket/adapter I got from Jim -- thanks Elmo;))
I am doing a lot of measuring to get everything ready for the drive train swap from my Jaguar
(I need a bike Mon-Fri to take oldest grandkid to school, so I need to be up n running quickly)

1st pic is full side view showing whole bike
2nd pic showing Jim's sprocket (72T) and hd coaster wheel (12ga spokes)
3rd + 4th pic are MC mirrors I got on the bay and the seat post clamps I used to mount the mirrors
5th pic shows motor mount and pedal chain routing
I changed pedal sprocket to a 36T to make it easy to pedal with the girls/trailer, and routed chain under engine to lower the center of gravity (ie...better handling)
the motor mount is clamped to bottom tube with tensioner brackets and exhaust clamp saddles
the bracket on the seat post is to stabilize the engine/trans from side-to-side twist (bracket comes from an old seat post mounted rack)
I hope I have the patience to wait for Vinnie to do the tank ;), I am dieing to ride this bike :)


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Looking good Bill. I think that you could make some money towing cars with that thing. LOL Seriously what is the reduction on your drive? I am just nosy.
to tell you the truth, Elmo, I can't remember the exact ratio...(lost the paper with all my calculations:()
it is somewhere around 20:1
I am using a 1.80 front pulley and the stock Q-matic rear pulley in the primary
then 10T-72T in the secondary :)
if you use an aftermarket #41 chain, they come in 10' lengths. you'll probably only need 2 of them...
EZM kits come stock with tsubaki 41 chain :)
I think I will need to add approx 1-1.5 ft to the chain on the Jag
good thing I still have some laff
EZM kits come stock with tsubaki 41 chain :)
I think I will need to add approx 1-1.5 ft to the chain on the Jag
good thing I still have some laff

Bill what kind of chain breaker do you use on the 41 chain? I have a park ct 3 and it wont work real good on 41 chain. I am using 41 chain on my HF 79 CC build.
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I cheat...punch and a hammer here ;)
I have not had any luck re-linking this way tho,,,2 master links are in use :)
I have heard the breaker from Harbor Freight works well on 41
thanks for the comments, guys !!!
spun (happy),
possibly in the future (as usual, my budget is negative ;))
were they hard to find and/or cheap ???
they do look good on your 'oinky' build :)
I am extremely jealous of that build. How much weight are you going to pull with the trailer and grand kids? That sprocket looks awesome.
that ebay price for ammo cans is ridiculous once you add in the shipping. i got mine for 3 bucks at a swap meet, and everytime i go i see them there. also, any army/navy surplus stores usually have them, and they're always cheap.

on page 40 something of the rustoration build-off, you can see how i mounted mine. i love it, no more carrying a back pack just for my lock and a soda...

oh, and the harbor freight chain breaker fits the 41 chain perfect.

page 40 something:
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I just re-read the first entry,I thought from the first pic that we were getting a good looking blue inlay center in the frame,lol
Bill, That is going to be a Sweet Ride! If you have it finished in late March maybe We can take a little cruise around FH. I am planning a trip there in late March. I will be able to borrow the Orange bike I shipped to my son and we can go for a ride. It will be so nice to get out of this snow and into some 70 to 80 degree weather. See you then.

That is sweet Bill. I don't think I've seen a sprocket that big on a bicycle. How do you like the feel of that bike when sitting or riding. I have found it to be very comfortable unless you have to actually pedal.