Anybody Land Sail?

I have done back in 2010 on the desert floor of Black Rock Desert Nevada. I don't own a board for it but I have been windsurfing since 1985.

I got a RC Model Trike Sailor that I try using, but I have move away from where strong thermal winds were the norm nearly every other day Spring to Fall.

I'm still waiting treatment for arthritis of my neck where it affected my nerve path. My left hand is partially numb and super sensitive to touch with pain and up my arm to shoulder painful. I still try RC land sailing with my yacht.

I am hoping to convince an outdoor skating rink that is only open in the Winter to allow time on there rink when no one is on it to sail my rc land yacht with the ice runners on it. I've used them once on 8 feet thick ice in Wisconsin when three was a regatta that life size boats where out there.

If you count other types of life size boats, I've been sailing 50 years. started with AMF Sail Fish on lakes.

What are the wheels and suspension on the Land Sailor you have, do you only go on smooth asphalt or cement?

A friend who land sails had some shopping center chase him away. Possible other places are large parking lots without wheel stops or trees at business on weekends if they close or government shut down areas.

Wear some protective padding when you sail. I did OK, but never learned to come about or jibe. I'd try not to let it get going to fast and then slow in time I could stop and not jump off running, risking both rig and myself.

I have used a skate board and windsurf a long time, but this land sailing seems a whole lot harder and strength needed seemed more. Probably just getting the hack of it. I was astounded how one person at a Burning Man Event at night convinced this guy to allow him to use his rig. He sailed in next to no light and avoided hitting anyone. He jibed, went in between art installations, and mutant vehicles in motion and end up where he started giving the rig back.

Have fun!
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Hey MT
Thanks for the reply. I too have only sailed smaller boats but thats pretty much
the background one needs for land sailing. I converted a kite buggy I have and scratch
built a larger 2 seat yacht. The kite buggy is modded to use stock windsurf sails/masts/booms.
Its easy to sail and it all fits completely inside my old Honda Passport. The 2 seater
requires trailering and uses a Sunfish sail rig of about 6.6sqm. There is no suspension or brakes.
land sailers traditionally dont have brakes. I sail the beaches here and have to pick my way
thru mostly oblivious beach goers. Brakes are in the future at least on the larger sailer.

I usually sail (when the winds are right) several miles of beach, at speeds up to 30mph.
Its very addictive, I usually sail several hours non stop. Its a real hoot!


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I've never done it, but I remember reading somewhere that beach sailors tend to use ungreased bearings to stop them picking up sand. Modern dry lubricants would probably be a help in that situation.
Land sailing has a rich heritage in England and Europe. England has some great beaches. There are a lot of clubs there also.

Sealed bearings work just fine. In fact first time out with the larger sailer(affectionately called Big Woodie) I sailed on the cheap unsealed bearings that came with the barrow wheels with no problem. The beach is hard packed like concrete between the tide lines so there is very little loose sand. I did switch to sealed bearings soon after though.

Most well designed and fitted sailers can sail at or close to 3x the wind speed. Im content in the 25-30 mph range at least with the crowds on the summer time beaches. Come winter when
the beach is deserted and the stronger frontal winds occur I will probably take it up a few notches.
Cool! I had read that the RR COs used to use sail wagons when building the RR in the US
west to carry supplies.

Heres one for you!

I have seen a land sailor on the beach near my place. I started to search the internet to see if anybody sells them.
Most of them I found were DIY.
Hey WB6

There are factory built land sailers. In the US the primary ones are the Blokart, the Manta and the
Sirocco. They tend to be pricey new but not too bad used. However scratch built sailers abound.
They are generally easy and cheap to build. The sail rig can be scrounged from smaller sail
boats, scratch built from the "blue" tarps, or best yet from used windsurfing rigs. These
are pretty cheap and very efficient.

Actually just about any thing that rolls easily and can be steered will work with some form of sail
I saw one sailer built from an extension ladder with the two pieces bolted together like a T and wheels added!
Its a very fun hobby thats easily to learn and compared to a lot of things is pretty cheap.