Any gardners?

I love plants cant let this thred go just yet

Im allways doing yards and gardens


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I collect rain water off the roof and occasionally make manure tea. No not to drink its for the plants:D That's an old trick I got from my Grandmother. I did a bunch of foliage feeding too that year. No not with the tea but Miracle Grow. The winter picture The green house was packed and I was still picking peppers. Have to dig that picture up. I use lots of fish guts in my composting as well. Fishing from the local lakes. That should make my tomatoes rock this year . Theses picts are from about 8 years ago.

I don't garden that big any more. I got picts from about 3 years of doing it up even bigger than this. I have a 14 year old Chiltepin plant even got its seed from the wild. Chiltepin Chili Pepper | Chile Tepin | Wild Red Hot Chili Peppers | Texas Chilli | Chiles Chilis. There not supposed to stay alive here. Kept a lot of plants alive for years!

Those Gourd plants like a bit of manure.


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I have 124 pumpkin plants currently growing. If I get an average of 15 dollars per pumpkin (now these bad babies are the 100 pounders!) and sell a hundred, that's about 1400 dollars after what I have into the garden.

If all goes according to schedule.

In Northern Wisconsin, My Grandfather Started His Plants In The Basement With A Southern Exposed Wall And Big Windows. One Year He Planted Some Water Melon`s.

He Forgot About Them. In The Fall He Went To The Basement. He Took A Picture Of One Of Them. The Melon Was So Big, The Picture Weighted 3 Pounds!


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I am not good at all with pumpkins or melons for some reason . I have an small raised garden , due to the many health isuses I have , that produces extremely well because each plant gets attention like house plants. So why would anyone with many health issues have an garden you may ask ? No insecticides, salmonenella ect. ect and ect,. My thorn in my side has always been the bonsai tree no matter how much love I give them , they always die. Maybe I need to get some bonsai seeds from bonsai boy dot com and try that ? And juniper bushes are nothing more than cheating !! LOL
Loved them to pieces with the clippers aye?rotfl Just kidding don't know a thing about Bonzi Trees. I would have to cheat with the other ones lol
a few good tips for the older folks

a few good tips for the older folks ....invest an little money for an raised garden and weed guard > I doubt if I pulled one singel weed out , and it saves a whole lot of work. To avoid bending over to plant seeds do this > cut an section of pvc pipe about two to three ft. .. Dig holes with your hoe. then put the end of your pvc pipe in the hole , take about two seed in your hand and feed them down through the pvc pipe , then cover them with your hoe or your foot, ... another thing I have learned is you can take an old blanket , rug , or just piled up leaves , sprinkle some corn meal on the soil . cover the corn meal with any of your choice and thourghly wet it down with water , you will have night crawlers the size of pythons coming to it (well maybe a little over Exaggeration ) jerk the cover up.. when the worms start burrowing in the ground , have some soapy water made with tide or any other soap ready to pour on the ground , it makes the worms come out , great for fishing and gardens .. and if you slosh an jar of soapy water on a wasp nest it kills them as soon as it hits them ,,... use club soda to pour on fire ant hills ! it will kill them !
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It's finally the size of a do I suck laff


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Yes the soapy water works good for wasps. Use a pump bottle or the soap bottle with the nozzle and squeeze it, shoots several feet.

Yes the soapy water works good for wasps. Use a pump bottle or the soap bottle with the nozzle and squeeze it, shoots several feet.

im not sure why or how it works . it suffocates them I think. I know the club soda suffocates the fire ants . poor things . I hate killing animals spiders snakes ect . my wife gets after me all the time . I must kill these animals when they become an threat to my family. I use an water cannon for soaking the wasp nest , Palmolive dose good . I fill it with water and then the soap so it will not bubble out so bad . thus having plenty of water and soap when I shake it , same way when I wash the car with an bucket . first water then soap then stir . seems like its a much better method - it dont bubble near as bad