Another Chopper Build

Yes! I love those slots! that really should draw a little more flow up into the 'glass... and it looks like the length of the pipe is great.... I think you're on the road to success :)
looking great Tom, love that tank!
I haven't got anything done on mine since we last talked... been sick as a dog and now finding it difficult to get back into a creative mode. Hopefully, seeing your progress will help :) always great looking work!!!
Thanks guys.

I've put a lot of hours of thinking and work on this muffler. I hope it pays off.

I'm using a 2" X 18" automotive exhaust extension for the outer casing. I had to do some slicing on it to get it to adapt down to the 3/4" EMT. I'll finish welding and grinding on it tomorrow and then I'll start packing it with the fiberglass. I'm thinking of using a type of pipe wrap used in commercial applications for the glass as opposed to loose glass. It comes in various thicknesses and diamaters. I'll need 2" X 1" to serve as the muffling wrap.
Here's some photos of the parts minus the glass insulation I plan to use. The outer casing and the louvered inner core.

I'll also be making a hanger to support the weight of the pipe and muffler and probably suspend it from the coaster brake arm mount that's already on the frame.
More pictures as work progresses.



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Engine install done today. Clutch and throttle cables, wiring and everything torqued down and tight. Now I'm on to painting the fuel tank and again, as last year, waiting on the upholstery guy to do the saddle.
Everything else is done except the muffler which I'll be working on while I wait for the seat.

It's only February so I have some time before warm riding weather comes. I'm trying to be patient.



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WOW! That is looking fantastic Tom. That is going to be one sweet ride and I will look forward to seeing it featured in some cruising video this spring or summer. I wish you are a bit closer then 14 hours away...cause I would sure be honored to take a cruise along side that sweet looking ride.
Thanks, Ray. Who knows what the tide might bring. I might be doing an Illinois trip this summer. If I do, I'll bring a bike, maybe this one if it pans out.

More photos to come when it's finished.

Well... we have miles and miles of quiet country blacktops to cruise during the spring, summer and fall. So if you are ever in corn country...let me know. For now I will look forward to following along with the rest of your build and will look forward to seeing a bit of video of the new ride when its finished.
Man that's really great detail work on you motor Tom. How long did it take you to polish it like that. Did you have to sand the side covers first?
Took about an hour per cover. Start with about 280 grit and worked down to 400 then a 3M Scotchbrite pad before going to the bench buffer and compound. They're pretty rough castings and very pourus so it takes some work to get them smooth enough to buff. They'll retain that finish and only require an occasional cleaning up with NeverDul metal polish.

The block is painted with gloss black TopFlite model airplane epoxy. I used a Dremel to polish the edges of the cooling fins.

I thought you'd probably have to sand them. I've though about doing some, but I'm getting so lazy.

I love polished aluminum. A few years ago I took the valve covers off my sportster to a shop for polishing. A month later they hadn't touched them. They were going to charge me over $220 to polish them. I took them home and bought a bench top polisher from Northen Tools for $50 and did them myself. After that I turned into a polishing devil.


Beautiful. Did you have to sand any?
Yeah, aluminum does polish up nicely with a little work. Get the right compound and wheel and most any metal will come to life. Stainless steel is a lot harder to do than aluminum but the results are amazing. And it stays that way forever once buffed.

I buffed the new Pirate sprocket adapter and the sprocket on this bike. They came out great without too much work. The finish is smooth to start with so no sanding.

Beautiful. Did you have to sand any?
Yeah, aluminum does polish up nicely with a little work. Get the right compound and wheel and most any metal will come to life. Stainless steel is a lot harder to do than aluminum but the results are amazing. And it stays that way forever once buffed.

I buffed the new Pirate sprocket adapter and the sprocket on this bike. They came out great without too much work. The finish is smooth to start with so no sanding.


They weren't needing sanding because of pitting, but I started out trying to sand the clear coat off. That proved to be very time consuming, so after a while I figured out it was faster to just polish it off.

Now I wouldn't recommend clear coating your polish work. I think it's better to leave it bare, and just touch it up once in a while.
Still need to finish the muffler, paint the tank and get that upholstery guy off his rear and it'll be done. Everything else is complete. Essentially it's ready to ride but I want everything done before I ride it the first time under power. I rode it around some today with pedal power and it is sweet. I can't wait until I fire this puppy the first time.



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I try to imagine what it would have been like to see someone riding a bike like that around our neighborhood back in the 70's when I was a young boy? You would have been crowned as the king of coolness for sure! We probably would have nicknamed you the Fonz #2.
In fact I may crown you the king of cool for 2013 when we get to see that thing out on the open road! That thing just has all the right curves and reeks of coolness!
Oh I am sure the folks in his town will do more to inflate his head then I have when they see that mean machine out on the streets.LOL
Ooooo yeah. That thing is looking good in some natural light. Very nice lines and that tank is perfect for that bike. I can't wait to see it in person. Great work Tom. (^)