Air filter


New Member
What are peoples thoughts about removing the sponge from the air filter ?
Would this give better performance ?

What are the chances that a foreign particle would be ingested and hurt the motor ? It seems to me that if one mounted the filter with the holes facing upward that nothing of harm would get in..

Your thoughts ?

Out here where I live I wouldn't run without a filter. Lots of dirt and dust in the air. Sucking dirt into your engine is just like taking some 40 grit sandpaper and sanding on the inside of you cylinder..............:(
A lot of bits you can't see will cause wear.....use the screen and be sure the thing has some oil on it.

There are aftermarket air filters that fit.
I agree with the above....the stock air filter is not much BUT it is better than nothing....For better filtration and better airflow it is possible to install a K&N type air filter onto these little carbs with a little tinkering...
Good Luck!