a man called "Chainsaw"


New Member
Arrived here a few days ago and decided that I'd better let you guys know about me a little. I play around with bicycles, chopping and ratting mostly. I have a great passion for anything on wheels, but mainly two and three wheels rock my brain. Nogoodnic and I ride together a few times a year and he's always had my interest when he talks about this motorized breed. I'm hoping that this is the year for me to get one together (possibly two, one for my wife and one that fits my butt). Youi guys have some amazing critters running loose on this site and I find myself drooling alot! I hope that I can occassionally contribute something to the forum, but rest assured that I plan to take alot from it!:p
Thanks for creating this place,
Welcome to the forum.
Having fun is what we do. Chainsaw have you seen the predator chain saw? V-8 powered? It's something to see.
Hey Chainsaw, (I really like that name) Welcome to the forum. I've just been on here a short while but I've had lots of fun and gleaned lots of useful information.........................(c)
Look what the cat drug in! Who gave this guy the extra secret password to get into the group:p? What's going on Chainy, good to see you here...Kelly:ride2:
Hey Chainsaw, (I really like that name) Welcome to the forum. I've just been on here a short while but I've had lots of fun and gleaned lots of useful information.........................(c)

Thanks, got the name from my old softball team. I was clearing some trees and brush the day of our first practice. The truck that I had at the time didn't have functional locks so I carried my saw with me to the field. I only knew one member of the new team, so everyone just started calling me Chainsaw. It's kinda stuck over the years. I participated in a couple of Detroit area chicken wing eating contest years ago, so some of the Detroit area members may remember hearing me babble on the radio (97.1).

I'm really looking forward to getting to know you guys and learning what I can from all of you.
Who gave this guy the extra secret password to get into the group:p? What's going on Chainy, good to see you here...Kelly:ride2:

Grandma Nogoodnic did! She said that I should stalk you and keep an eye on what your up to! She'll be receiving my full report in the next few days! So far, I like what I see on this board.(^)
Welcome to the forum.
Having fun is what we do. Chainsaw have you seen the predator chain saw? V-8 powered? It's something to see.

I think so, but it's been quite sometime. If you've got a pic or link, I'd lover to see it again! Have ya seen the motorcycle that runs a bunch of Stihls? I'll try to go thru my saved pics and find some of the chainsaw stuff I've saved over the years.
Welcome! Gotta love how you got your handle. Only a real man brings a chainsaw to a baseball game!!(^) (Or rides up on a motorized sissy bike rotfl)
Hey guys, thanks for making me feel so welcome!

Cruiser, That atmosphere around here seems to be very friendly, knowledgable, and willing to help others. Looks like the makings of a long lasting forum!

Pablo, You're avatar is driving me nuts! Any chance of seeing a bigger version? It kinda looks like a trials bike, is it? Whatever it is, I Like!

Thanks agian for te hospitality,
It's my buddy's bike (he lives up in Bellingham, WA just north of me). I have some better pics on my PC at home, I'll post them up some other day soon. It's a "pedalless" bike though.

We are working on a drive system to eliminate the bolt on rear sprocket.