While I'm waiting for the new engine and tires to arrive, this is a good time to step back for some "creative staring" to review options, then assess things again when the new tires are mounted, possibly giving a different profile, and to see how the engine wants to sit on the rails... how far or close in relation to the seat post and how much offset if the engine did a direct drive to the roller hub. If the offset feels like it will make the balance feel weird then the seat post and jackshaft is about the only option, requiring changes to the derailleur system. Also the best spot on the seatpost for a jackshaft is taken up by a frame member union. If the offset is not much then it may be that situating the drive and driven pulleys to the inside of the rail with the horizontal member of the angle iron removed so the belt has clearance may be a viable option. If so then the rail engine and hub mount needs to be adjustable. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. We'll see.
In the mean time I've been cleaning up the 99 Predator, discovered one of four bolts at the base of the engine holding it to the frame mount was missing. Changed the oil in the crankcase, new spark pug, may make a new copper gas filter for it while making a second one for the new 79cc engine. Start fresh with plenty of clean fuel. I also did some paint touch-up, will check over the Q-matic transmission and rear wheel and then reassemble the panther. And to satisfy the dog, re-attach her canoe sidecar.
Spring has finally sprung here in northern Minnesota so both dog and bear need to ride! Should be lots of progress next week and once the bikes are riders I can pretend responsible, adult like behavior and get the 4 cords of maple logs cut & split for winter 2 years from now. Break time from "making wood" (local expression) will be shortish, couple mile rides for man and beast down Bearhead Rd. Woohoo!