Thanks Curt!
Got the exhaust and the starter pulley fabbed. The exhaust is made from a CG "bomb" muffler these are less common than the usual issue. This has a look that is similar for the period of the engine. The down pipe is made from a seat post.
Got the starter pulley worked out. I hunted for a rolled edge pulley as it needed to pants friendly as it will have no guard(the chain definitely will!). The rope engagement hole is on the back side and is really a hole and not a slot for a knot. The rope needs no knot, just stick the end through the hole and wind the rope over it works fine. This leaves nothing to snag the old jeans.
The pulley is welded to the lower half of an 1 1/2" split lock collar This locks positively to the sprockets boss. This is a very simple way to mount the pulley, but requires careful centering. The rolled edges make for a tight fit on the allen wrench, but its not an issue with a ball driver.
Guess guards, fenders and fuel tank are next.