79cc Sportsman Flyer build

Got the CB-E=110 coaster brake internals out of the solvent and dried. Little wear so all goes back in the hub.

Whole wheel assembly, hub, sprocket adapter, spokes, and rim got oiled and road gritted.
All due to my first rocker cover vent routing. Straight to the ground or so I thought. Not!
I made a wheel bathe from a used paint thinner jug. cut down and notched to get the wheel rim in the solvent bathe. May have been worth a photo. I didn''t.
Before all the bathing, I had even wiped all with a recycled towel. Wheel assy. bathed, Solvent reserved for future use.
Sediment in the homemade bathe after draining was notable.
Something of note. The grease in the Worksman Shimano 110 hub was honey coloured and clear.
When I pretzeled the original brake arm. The only replacement I found, came with shoes and bearings. Packed in Moly grease. Have a tube on the bench. Will apply liberally.

Almost built the hub today. Nagging second thoughts. Think I am going to pull out the Hornaday sonic cleaner and give all the hub internals a soap water buzz, with clear water rinse. Figuratively a white glove assembly. My flavor of OCD.

Mona is going South of the border (Illinois) for a girlfriend get together with her former work mates tomorrow.
Honey does on hold till the boss gets back. :D
It is amazing what you get done with a ultra sonic cleaner. Soaking for a week almost in paint thinner, and then flushing with lacquer thinner. You would thing the grunge is gone. Apparently not. Dawn soap water solution in the Hornaday ultra sonic cleaner. Hour later the water has a hue, brownish. drained, rinsed, and toweled. Brake parts loaded into a 200F oven.
In for an hour. Now I am ready to rebuild.


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I have had that ultra sonic cleaner for years. Son gave me a gift card from Cabela's during Barak Obama's Presidency.
First choice was .22cal ammo. Hoarders kept that option unattainable. That logic still escapes me.
I also reload. I have a rotary drum polisher. There is always residual grit that is hard to remove, and primer pockets are a especially hard to clean without removing metal. Having carte blanc, the ultra sonic cleaner beckoned me.
Cleaning jewelry will now be more efficient. If I had false teeth......
Rebuilding the hub really does not lend itself to photography. Greasy fingers.
As per #327, Worksman CB-E-110 Shimano coaster brake hub bearing were packed with clear grease.
Grease in repacking is a Moly/Graphite loaded grease. This YouTube never mentions degreasing or deep cleaning.
That said, it illustrates the basic methods of repacking the hub.. Bicycle Coaster Brake Repair and Service - YouTube
Rebuilding a Sturmey 3 speed, keeping the ratchet palls collapsed while assembling was a trick.
Friday I got to start making chips.
Photo's of machining the brake arm anchor. In due course. Ambition? Where is my ambition?
Rolled a sow coon who has vexed me for some time off the deck rail. Ruger 10-22.
Rebuilding the hub really does not lend itself to photography. Greasy fingers.
As per #327, Worksman CB-E-110 Shimano coaster brake hub bearing were packed with clear grease.
Grease in repacking is a Moly/Graphite loaded grease. This YouTube never mentions degreasing or deep cleaning.
That said, it illustrates the basic methods of repacking the hub.. Bicycle Coaster Brake Repair and Service - YouTube
Rebuilding a Sturmey 3 speed, keeping the ratchet palls collapsed while assembling was a trick.
Friday I got to start making chips.
Photo's of machining the brake arm anchor. In due course. Ambition? Where is my ambition?
Rolled a sow coon who has vexed me for some time off the deck rail. Ruger 10-22.
I lost another chicken to coyotes, time to organize a coyote ambush lol
Or a proper night enclosure.
I raised a flock for Ginny, a lady I worked with back in the 90's.
Solid coop, six foot fence enclosure.
She never closed the coop door at night. Yotes cleaned out the hens in a week. Survivors, two roosters that took to roosting in her trees.
Brown Leghorn Light Brown Leghorn | Purely Poultry and a Golden Cochin Murray McMurray Hatchery - Buff Cochins.
The former have saleable Fly tying capes and hackles. And tail feathers for your hat band.
I used to be the pale version of Chicken George with my going to the fair hat. Mona stuck with me through that phase too.
Or a proper night enclosure.
I raised a flock for Ginny, a lady I worked with back in the 90's.
Solid coop, six foot fence enclosure.
She never closed the coop door at night. Yotes cleaned out the hens in a week. Survivors, two roosters that took to roosting in her trees.
Brown Leghorn Light Brown Leghorn | Purely Poultry and a Golden Cochin Murray McMurray Hatchery - Buff Cochins.
The former have saleable Fly tying capes and hackles. And tail feathers for your hat band.
I used to be the pale version of Chicken George with my going to the fair hat. Mona stuck with me through that phase too.
My attacks are happening in broad daylight while they are free ranging