60 mph isn't that fast...This bike will handle it fine. DV will be wearing full protective gear.
It will probably be set-up to have a max speed of 40 mph for the customer. He will have awesome acceleration when pulling out of corners.
For our top speed test, we will use a 30-32T rear sprocket.
Get the engine to make 5-6 hp at 10,000 rpm and 60mph should be a breeze.
Hawaii Ed's signature shows his bike, a trek with a 66cc and an SBP shift kit...57mph top speed.
I'm making parts for customers, so progress on this project will not be daily. As soon as I finish the crank balancing "how to" I'll post it up.
Charged...the speed run will be at a 1/4 mile track, not on city streets.
It will probably be set-up to have a max speed of 40 mph for the customer. He will have awesome acceleration when pulling out of corners.
For our top speed test, we will use a 30-32T rear sprocket.
Get the engine to make 5-6 hp at 10,000 rpm and 60mph should be a breeze.
Hawaii Ed's signature shows his bike, a trek with a 66cc and an SBP shift kit...57mph top speed.
I'm making parts for customers, so progress on this project will not be daily. As soon as I finish the crank balancing "how to" I'll post it up.
Charged...the speed run will be at a 1/4 mile track, not on city streets.