

New Member
So far my DAX 70cc is toping out at 24mph on my 2nd tank is that normal mph? No mods have been made it is stock......Thanks,Adam.
with wrist-pin roller bearings and because the rings haven't properly seated, your motor is really 'tight' at this early stage.
by the time your at the end of 3rd/into 4th tank, you should be all broken-in and well.

Sounds about right to me....I've been to 27MPH with the stock 44T and the engine is buzzing pretty good....To go faster after breaking the motor in go with a smaller rear sprocket....lower cruise RPM and higher top end..

Have fun....

thanks for the info This kit has been so good I was just second guessing my self. I was thinking that something got to give but so far all is 100% . Andrew Im building the black kat bobber and would like to ride low and slow 70cc what sprocket would work best ?
how fast is too fast? I'm on my 4th gallon and run 30~34 for 200yd bursts ... is that ok? i think i may need a tachometer...suggestions on a cheap one and max rpm?
Hi Go Fast,

As far as going slow....what speed do you feel you would want to use the bike most at?...Does your build use a 20" or 26" wheel?

NID_FTL ThatsDax.com 2 weeks to ship but worth every day of the wait.I have had no probs. with the kit at all not 10hr's to install fired right up has not let me down .Do your home work on this forum as I did you will learn a lot . The kit has no directions to install and it was my first build went fine. Andrew Looking to run 10/15 MPH want the bike to be smooth not jerky 26" rear. Thanks Adam.
i have no idea why but my hemi head 48cc kits have been doing 40+ on a 44t sprocet **** one guy is doing 55mph on a 38t and thats on a slany head kit

and the special edition kits are even faster then the basic motor kits so 24mph on a dax and i have had a demo 65cc kit i could do 60mph on a 36t gear and it still had more to give