24” mountain bike project

Here’s the new pipe on my cruiser.
Greg I also used the kit muffler for my expansion pipes. Did you notice much change in performance by adding the muffler? I used the long style rather than the crossover banana pipe and cut the stinger off to keep the overall length of the pipe with muffler the same; whereas you increased length, I'm guessing that is a plus in keeping oil off pant leg. My pipe, long high pipe, extends to the rear axle with muffler in place.

Give us a performance review om your setup. I really like the finished look with the muffler installed.

Rick C.
I haven’t noticed any performance difference just a lot more noise without the muffler. I’m pleased with the look and fit.
Greg I was astounded by how loud mine was but the kit muffler tamed it well. Adding the muffler on mine seemed to hurt the torque some on the bottom and then "hit" at higher rpm.

I really need to hook a tach back up & see where everything is taking place. Since I converted this bike to hybrid electric and went from a 48 tooth final to a 36 t & installed the expansion pipe again, mainly to keep exhaust heat away from the lithium battery pack, a lot has changed. I'm loving it but would like to better visualize what I feel seat of the pants.

Rick C.
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I decided to change the rear sprocket, I wasn’t happy with the rpm at 25 mph. I dropped down to a 41 tooth from the 44, it’s just about like a 26” bike with a 44 now. I just don’t want to keep the little 48cc turning at high rpm for a long ride.
Greg fine tuning with justification based on real world experience is so rewarding that it can become addictive or maybe it's just a case of some of us being tinkerers obsessed with nuance and tweaks; kinda' like welcome to the twilight zone of builders caught in a never ending loop, but still having fun!

Rick C.
While changing sprockets was still on my mind I changed my 66cc bike to a 38 tooth, this cut down on the cruising speed vibration a lot.
I'm lovin' it Greg and yes dropping down to the thirties does cut the vibration noticeably. I run 36t on my hybrid and it's really much smoother to cruise now.

Rick C.
This little 24” bike will hold it own with my bike I ride most, I got 33.1 on my phone app, it has been accurate when checking it against the car.